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Enter the Matrix cheats / Enter the Matrix hints / Enter the Matrix faqs / Enter the Matrix solutions Enter the Matrix hints Hack Into The Matrix Once you have saved, you can select the Hacking option and begin to work on hacking into The Matrix itself. As the Matrix is quite simply a simulation, its rules are no different to a computer systems. This allows you to not only access all stored files, but you can change the physical laws of the system (as mentioned in the "cheat" descriptions) Laws like gravity can be bent, for a greater time/effect than the limited focusing alone. To take advantage of the Hack System's abilities, you will need to know exactly what to enter following the command prom 190 pt (default A Drive standard (A:)): Enter DIR to display directory choices. You can simply type .EXE then press Enter. The executable will be opened. It is not the same with .TXT files, as you must type READ first before the text file selection is revealed in Command List. Simply type DIR then a space followed by B: for the contents of the B Drive to be revealed for selection, rath e94 er than typing individual filenames. After experiencing the rabbit hole for yourself, the "CHEAT.EXE" is invaluable for those with free minds looking to further enhance skills, and bend the rules of The Matrix. After opening the executable, you will be required to enter specific codes, which will directly alter rules of The Matrix, making it easier for you to utilize your ability to focus the mind, and other aspects. Use it wisely. For an easy way to unlock cheat mode, at title screen select "Hack". Press any key when instructed. Once the system has loaded, type DIR. You will eventually see various choices. One of these choices will be "TOOLS". Instead of typing it in, go all the way to the left where your options are "HELP and DIR". Click "DIR", then you will see the same choices on the screen above. Click on "TOOLS". From there you will see more choices "CHEAT.EXE" and so on. Click "CHEAT.EXE" and enter in any the codes. Also, you do not have to enter "Yes" or "No" for command confirmations. You can simply type Y or N to save time. Other Enter the Matrix cheats hints faqs solutions: 1. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 2. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 3. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 4. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 5. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 6. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 7. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 8. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 9. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 10. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 11. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 12. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 13. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 14. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 15. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 16. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 17. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 18. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 19. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 20. Enter the Matrix cheat codes 1. Enter the Matrix hints 2. Enter the Matrix hints 3. Enter the Matrix hints 5. Enter the Matrix hints 6. Enter the Matrix hints 7. Enter the Matrix hints 8. Enter the Matrix hints 9. Enter the Matrix hints 10. Enter the Matrix hints 11. Enter the Matrix hints 12. Enter the Matrix hints 13. Enter the Matrix hints 14. Enter the Matrix hints 15. Enter the Matrix hints 16. Enter the Matrix hints 17. Enter the Matrix hints 18. Enter the Matrix hints 19. Enter the Matrix hints 20. Enter the Matrix hints 21. Enter the Matrix hints 22. Enter the Matrix hints 23. Enter the Matrix hints 24. Enter the Matrix hints 25. Enter the Matrix hints 26. Enter the Matrix hints 27. Enter the Matrix hints 28. Enter the Matrix hints 29. Enter the Matrix hints 30. Enter the Matrix hints 31. Enter the Matrix hints 32. Enter the Matrix hints 33. Enter the Matrix hints 34. Enter the Matrix hints 35. Enter the Matrix hints 36. Enter the Matrix hints 37. Enter the Matrix hints 38. Enter the Matrix hints 39. Enter the Matrix hints 40. Enter the Matrix hints 41. Enter the Matrix hints 42. Enter the Matrix hints 43. Enter the Matrix hints 44. Enter the Matrix hints 1. Enter the Matrix faq and solutions 2. Enter the Matrix faq and solutions 3. Enter the Matrix faq and solutions 4. Enter the Matrix faq and solutions 5. Enter the Matrix faq and solutions |