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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints Nimbus 2000 Broomstick
On the second day of school, go to the Quidditch practice. Complete the training
with a "B" or better rank to get the Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick. You can now
anywhere around the school during the day. Note: You can only land on grass
and cannot fly inside the school.
Other Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets cheats hints faqs solutions:
1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 6. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 8. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 9. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 10. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 11. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 12. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 13. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 14. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 15. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 16. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 17. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 18. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 19. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 20. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 21. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 22. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 23. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 24. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 25. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 26. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 27. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 28. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 30. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 31. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 32. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hints 1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets faq and solutions