Sonic Mega Collection cheats / Sonic Mega Collection hints / Sonic Mega Collection faqs / Sonic Mega Collection solutions
Sonic Mega Collection hints Fast Lives
If you have lost alot
of lives on Final Rush, Final Chase, Security
Hall or levels like that, just go to Pumpkin Hill,
select any mission. Fly over the thin bridge to
right where you got Shovel Claw. Dig inside the
circle, then quit and do it again. I told you
it's cheap. But it works! And to make it go
faster, sometimes you can dig uo 2 1-Ups at the
same time.
Other Sonic Mega Collection cheats hints faqs solutions:
1. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 2. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 3. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 4. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 5. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 6. Sonic Mega Collection cheat codes 1. Sonic Mega Collection hints 3. Sonic Mega Collection hints 4. Sonic Mega Collection hints 5. Sonic Mega Collection hints 6. Sonic Mega Collection hints 7. Sonic Mega Collection hints 8. Sonic Mega Collection hints 9. Sonic Mega Collection hints 1. Sonic Mega Collection faq and solutions 2. Sonic Mega Collection faq and solutions