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PlayStation 2
Nintendo 64

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Battle Isle 2 cheat codes

Map Codes:

AMPORGE - Skom Halta
JOGRWAI - The Heat of the Chase
GEGIDOS - The Big City
WABODAE - Menace to the Skies
BUFASWE - The Delta
GEHAUWA - Port to the World
OLARIBU - The Plain of Tentan
FITORGE - 13th Street
DAFATWA - Wave of Terror
WABIKDO - Titan Net in Sight
GEEUSAT - Titan Net in Sicht
KAIMAWA - The Alliance Treaty
SIETIBU - The Rescue
GEDEROM - The Last Base on Worb
ULUARGE - The Tank Battle
ABUNDWA - Treasure Hunt
LANADGE - The Challenge
WAFEFAL - The Entrance to the Cave
BUSALUG - The Cave
GEKEFZU - The Last Strike
YETUDWA - The Gebef-Sea
WAGOPAY - A Rotten Alliance
ZAFLUGE - Discoveries
SKATZWA - The Sea Superiority

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