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Heretic 2 cheats / Heretic 2 hints / Heretic 2 faqs / Heretic 2 solutions Heretic 2 cheat codes Spawned Item Values Enter one of the following names after using the spawn cheat code: item_weapon_firewall item_weapon_maceballs item_weapon_magicmissile item_weapon_phoenixbow item_weapon_redrain_bow item_weapon_sphereofannihilation item_defense_meteorbarrier item_defense_polymorph item_defense_powerup item_defense_ringofrepulsion item_defense_shield item_defense_teleport item_health_full item_health_half item_mana_combo_half item_mana_combo_quarter item_mana_defensive_full item_mana_defensive_half item_mana_offensive_full item_mana_offensive_half item_puzzle_canyonkey item_puzzle_cloudkey item_puzzle_cog item_puzzle_crystal item_puzzle_dungeonkey item_puzzle_highpriestesskey item_puzzle_highpriestesssymbol item_puzzle_hive2amulet item_puzzle_hive2gem item_puzzle_hive2spear item_puzzle_minecartwheel item_puzzle_ore item_puzzle_plazacontainer item_puzzle_potion item_puzzle_refine 1a7 dore item_puzzle_shield item_puzzle_slumcontainer item_puzzle_tavernkey item_puzzle_tome item_puzzle_townkey Other Heretic 2 cheats hints faqs solutions: 2. Heretic 2 cheat codes 3. Heretic 2 cheat codes 1. Heretic 2 hints 2. Heretic 2 hints |