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Doom 3 hints

Modify .def Files
The def files for this game can be found in "doom/base/def" folder. Open these
files in a text editor to make modifications on all of the game variables. NOTE:
Back up every file you're going to modify because incorrectly modifying these
files can have unwanted effects on your game and without a backup you may have
to reinstall the game, erasing the progress.

Nightmare difficulty setting
Use a text editor to edit the "doomconfig.cfg" file in the game folder (create a
backup first!). Locate the following line and replace 0 with 1:

seta g_nightmare "0"

Enable player shadows
Use a text editor to edit the "doomconfig.cfg" file in the game folder (create a
backup first!). Locate the following line and replace 0 with 1:

seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"

Third person view
Use a text editor to edit the "doomconfig.cfg" file in the game folder (create a
backup first!). Add the following line to the file, and you'll be able to use P
while in the game for third-person view:

bind "p" "toggle pm_thirdperson"

Use [~] to access the console
There is two ways to open the console with the [~] key only. One is to brind
down the console and type "com_allowConsole 1" (without the quotes). The other
is to generate a file called "autoexec.cfg" in game's "Data" directory, and put
in the following line:

seta com_allowConsole "1"

Security Pass
Before you fight the final boss, move to the left and find a little section you
can crawl under. There is a brick that says ID. Hit this brick like you would a
computer panel. It will open a secret area with a PDA. This PDA will have
messages from the programmers and will give you an all access security pass.
(thanks, gatzby)

Super Turkey Punch 3 Reward
If you play Super Turkey Punch 3 in the common room at the very beginning of the
game, and you get a score of over 25,000 you will get a message from the HR
department congratulating you on your new high score and in appreciation of your
hard work and time spent you have been docked 2 days of vacation time for
hitting poor defenseless turkeys. (thanks, tytza)

Martian Buddy Locker Code
Go to for the Martian buddy locker code of 0508. The
web site address is found in a spam mail on the pda of Alan Dorweiler.

Other Doom 3 cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. Doom 3 cheat codes
2. Doom 3 cheat codes
3. Doom 3 cheat codes
4. Doom 3 cheat codes
5. Doom 3 cheat codes
6. Doom 3 cheat codes
7. Doom 3 cheat codes
8. Doom 3 cheat codes
9. Doom 3 cheat codes
10. Doom 3 cheat codes
1. Doom 3 hints
2. Doom 3 hints
3. Doom 3 hints
4. Doom 3 hints
5. Doom 3 hints

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