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Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 hints

Dark Forces Walkthrough

Walkthrough for

Writer Not Known
Accuracy of detail in this walkthrough has not
been verified.
Grammar and spelling have not been checked.
Level 1
Double Cross on Nar-Shaddaa
From the start, turn left, collect the shield,
kill both tentacle-headed aliens,
then jump over the bar, collecting the cells and
the gun as you go. Go up the
ramps, killing the alien hiding around the corner
and the one on top of the
steep ramp. Collect the shields, then go down the
adjoining ramps, kill Greedo
in the fan, then turn the corner and waste the
other aliens. Walking right, more
power-ups can be found. Jump back up, open the
door and follow the corridor.
Look down and to the left, then walk off to
collect the shields and cells.
Continue down the corridor, turn the corner, then
turn around and walk along the
ledge killing the aliens (one hides in the first
alcove). Jump onto the boxes to
get the shields, then follow the corridor along,
take the lift up, then go over
the bridge.
After blasting more aliens go a bridge and reach
a door. Go through, over
another bridge, and waste the aliens and power
droid. Follow the corridor along
and press the switch to activate the lift. When
it arrives, get on, and ride it
up. Go over yet another bridge, turn left, and
you'll find a button. Press it,
then quickly run back down the corridor. You'll
see a new lift come down. Get on
it, and ride it up, then run across to the next
Kill Greedo hiding in the third alcove, then take
the first doorway on the
right. Press the button in here, then walk into
the large hangar room and drop
down through the floor. Kill all the aliens, then
get on the large grey platform
and press the button again. Ride the platform to
the top level, and follow the
ledge around to the red door. Go through it,
travel over both bridges (avoiding
the TIE Bomber), then go through another red door.
From here, go down the ramp, and up the other
side, collect the power-ups in the
left-hand alcove, then drop down the right-hand
hole. Go up the ramps and press
the button, then quickly retrace your steps down
the ramps and jump up through
the hole that's being sealed.
Now take the long ramp down, press the lift
button and go down. Kill all the
aliens in the large crate room and go through the
red door. Open the door ahead
of you, and it's level one complete.

Level 2
The Lost Disk
Head to the ramp, look over the ledge and drop
down. Drop down again to the next
level and fall down the tunnel.
After the main door has opened, continue down the
corridor to a junction. Here,
kill the aliens and go right. Drop down the
tunnel in the floor at the next
junction and continue along some much-needed
Go right again, dropping down the tunnel in the
floor, kill the aliens and find
the health to your right down the short tunnel.
Go through the door, down the
ramp and drop down, killing Greedo. Walk along
this corridor and at the end look
down, and drop a couple of bombs on the aliens.
Then drop down, continue
straight on, then walk up the ramps, killing the
Gammorean Guards as you go. Go
over the bridge (watching out for the two guards
behind the door in the next
room), then go up the ramp, through the door, use
the lift, and take the doorway
straight ahead of you.
Run to the end, and you should then drop down
onto the crates, then off again to
the floor. After killing all the aliens, take the
right-hand ramp down and turn
left up the next ramp. Go around the corner onto
the two steep ramps and press
the button. You'll see the conveyor belt opposite
starting up.
Now fall off onto the lower level, go down the
ramp, turn left to go down the
adjacent ramp and then turn left again. Around
the corner you'll find loads of
crates. Jump over them to the opposite side of
the room
, and you'll find a lift.
Go up it and you'll be in a room overlooking the
conveyor belt.
When the crate passes underneath you, step onto
it, and ride it up to the
highest level. Jump off to the left, and open the
door in front of you. Go
through it, and jump over the crates to the other
side of the room. Go through
another door, get the red key, then return
through both doors.


From here, use one of the thin girders to get to
the opposite side of the room,
then press the red button. Open the door, and
press the button inside. Walk out
of the door and to the left and go over another
girder to the other side. From
here, take the left ledge, go up the two ramps,
and you'll be in a large
conveyor belt room.
When the crate passes, hide in the left or right
alcove, then quickly run to the
end and climb the half-ramp. When the crate
passes again, jump on top and travel
to the other side, again climbing the half-ramp.
Repeat this procedure twice
more to reach the highest point possible, and
you'll eventually be in a room
with two Gammorean Guards. Kill them, and walk
through into the orange girder
room. Drop down and press the red button, then
get on the moving girder, run to
the end and drop off onto the opposite side. Drop
down, and do the same with the
second set of moving girders (time your crossing
When safely over, drop down and down again onto
the conveyor belt, dodge the
oncoming boxes and go to the top of the ramp,
then drop down the other side, and
down again through the middle.
Open the door, then run straight through, killing
the aliens, and drop down the
left-hand hole at the end. Take the two lifts up
(using the conveyor to jump
between them), then go up the ramp, across the
bridge, and wait for good ol' Jan
to take you away from all this madness.

Level 3
The Return To Sulon
From the start, go left, around the house,
killing all the Tuskens, then blast
the middle panel of the three grates on the wall.
Drop through into the house,
go through the door on the left, then take the
door straight ahead. Walk onto
the girder and drop down, then open the door,
follow the corridor along and go
up the steps.
Take the first door, kill the Tuskens and open
the large door. In here you'll
find the red key behind some crates. Then return
to the stairs and go up again.
Take the top door, through the next room, then
take the door just to the right
and behind you. One more door to open, and you
should be in a larger green area.
Take the large door, go up the steps, then
through the door into a corridor.
Go through another door at the end of this, then
another door, then go up the
steps to the waterfall room. Dive into the water,
and you'll see a tunnel down.
Swim down it, and you'll surface in a room with
two switches. Press both, then
go back down the tunnel and jump into the second
pool. Go through the doorway,
up the ramps, and follow the corridor to the
electricity room.
Here, use the rock steps and the girders to reach
the stone ramp, and go through
the opposite doorway. Kill the huge bugs, and
follow the corridor to the room
with Weegee in it. Level over!

Level 4
The Jedi's Lightsabre
Drop down the grate, slash the next grate you
come to, continue down and kill
the Tuskens. Drop down from here, turn right and
go along the corridor. Hit the
button at the end to open the door, then go up
the ramp onto the roof.
Find the water pit and jump in, then go through
the tunnel and up the ledges
(you'll need to crouch to get through the gate).
Kill the Tuskens at the end
then jump into the water and let yourself be
swept down. As soon as you can,
surface onto the platform and go left. Jump up
the left-hand side ledges then
follow the right ledge-up to the end, look over
the side, and drop down a level.
Take the water chute down to the big water pool,
then take the dry chute to the
empty tank. Follow the chute, killing the bugs on
the way, and at the end of the
chute jump onto the small girders. From here, you
need to walk along the edges
of each girder to the end of the structure where
you'll find a small doorway
onto the adjacent identical platform. Do the same
again on the other side, and
you'll be overlooki
ng another water chute.
Drop into it and ride it down to the large water
tank. Fall in, and swimming
down, look for a gap into the central core. Swim
up into the middle of the
structure and surface. You'll see a button which
you should press. This will
make the water wise, but don't worry, there's
enough space left to breathe. When
the grate below opens, swim down, up past the
ellyfish, and look for a gap in
the wall to swim through, then continue swimming
up until you surface.
This should take you to a small waterfall in
front of you. Climb up this,
killing the Tuskens, and follow the chute to the
large room in front of you.
Go all the way to the end of this room, killing
all the Tuskens, and when you're
in the large pool, go right onto the concrete
areas (make sure you're not swept
over the waterfall to your death). Follow the
corridor along, using the lift to
go up, then you'll come to another lift. Go down
it, kill the Tuskens and you'll
see a pool with jellyfish in it. Kill them with
grenades, then swim to the end,
go left onto the concrete and run along the
corridor. You'll find yourself in a
chute. Look over the edge, then drop into the
water, kill the jellyfish, and
watch out for the landmines in front of you.
Then go forward, through the door and go up in
the lift on the left. Press the
button at the top then go back down and out
through the main doors to wait for

Level 5
Barons Hed - the Fallen City
Walk around the concrete ledge, killing the
aliens and robots as you go, then
find the doorway next to the main hangar, and
follow the corridor along. You'll
end up back on the ledge which will take you to
a low bridge. Go across it,
through the room and up the ramp (using your
infra red goggles or field light).
You'll find another ledge which will lead to a
door on your left. Go through it
and you'll be in the town itself.
Shoot the Tuskens on the balcony and enter the
door. Climb the stairs, looting
the two rooms on your left, then go through the
room on the right and down the
stairs. Go straight on, and over the bridge, then
turn left and secure the
courtyard area. From the courtyard, turn left and
you'll find a marketplace full
of aliens and pedestrians.
Clear this area of all aliens, then look for a
ramp up the side of one of the
market buildings. Go up it, but don't go through
the door. Instead, turn around
and jump onto the roof in front of you (you can
make it, honestly). From here,
jump onto the adjacent balcony and through the
window. Waste the Tuskens, and
follow the rooms onto the bridge, then jump up to
the red awning. Run around the
adjoining ledge then drop down onto the ledge in
front of you. Go through the
door (put your infra-red goggles on), and you'll
see a slanted ledge - jump onto
it, and over the humped roof, then drop off by
the rubble face. Easy, huh?

Level 6
Into The Dark Palace
Shoot the Probe Droid above you, then loot the
adjoining room for power-ups,
watching out for the landmine.
Go down the ramp, and into the room , shooting
the Probe Droids on route. Follow
the stairs, blast the jammed door and shoot the
Probe Droid. Avoid the two
landmines by the blocked doorway, then crawl
along the narrow gap behind the
Blast the Probe Droid here, and drop down the
hole into the adjoining room's
floor. Next, take the stairs up to get the
sequencer charges. Avoiding the
landmine in the water, swim down, taking the
stairs down for health, then
resurface, before swimming straight on this time
(avoiding another landmine) and
down into the tunnel.
Take the right fork of the underwater tunnel to
collect the repeater gun, then
take the next left and surface.
Kill the Probe Droids here and pick up the
shields and power-ups. Run to the end
of the tunnel and jump up for some ammo, then
climb the steps to the room at the
Take the lift up from here and you'll find a room
full of Probe Droids. Shoot
them all, then follow the corridor, open the door
on the left and blast the
Stormtroopers. Open the door at the end of the
corridor, drop off the ledge and
run left through the tunnel. Secure the TIE
Bomber room on your left, then go up
the steps and blast the remaining Stormtroop
Go back to the main corridor and continue
running, under the bridge and always
staying as far left as possible. Avoid all AT-ST
fire, turrets, and Probe
Droids. Once into the tunnel, turn right and
right again immediately and go up
the ramp. Blast all Stormtroopers and repeat a
similar procedure with the whole
of the base, which is a circular.
You then need to find the main
entrance to the
central base (check your map to
help), which is flanked by turrets and AT-STs. In
front of it is a structure
with small rooms on either side. In each is a
button. After securing both rooms,
run into the one on the right (as you look
towards the central base), and hit
the button. Then quickly run to the opposite
room, and press that button too.
Now jump through the window in front of you and
run into the base, up the ramp,
turn around, and run towards the bridge which is
very quickly receding. Jump
across the gap, then run along the roof to the
right, towards the AT-ST.
You should soon be able to jump across to a
platform which joins the central
base. That done, run down the corridor leading
off here, turn left and continue
straight on, blasting all Stormtroopers and
Go up the ramp, turn left, then hit the red
button, Quickly run and jump across
the barrier that's lowering, and press the second
red button. The second barrier
will lower, at which point you should quickly
jump onto the highest point of it,
and from here, jump into the small crawl space in
the roof that it's revealed.
If you fall (and it is tough), slash the grill
with your lightsabre and use the
small tunnel to return to the same point.
Once in, crawl along to the grill, slash it with
your lightsabre, and drop down
the second grill you come to. Then hit the red
button in the small room, slash
the grill below you and drop down. There's loads
of Stormtroopers and a turret
here, so blast them all, and press the button
next to the lift. Take the lift up
when it arrives to end the level.

Level 7
Yun - the Dark Youth
A simple level, this one. It's a one-on-one
lightsabre duel with Yun. It's a
good idea to use your force powers here,
especially Force Seeing if he renders
himself invisible. You can also still use your
guns, although he will be able to
block head-on shots.

Level 8
Palace Escape
Switch to your Stormtrooper Rifle and blast the
troops, then take the lift down
and collect the power-ups hidden around the
Going back up the lift, look for a grill in the
wall. Slash it with your
lightsabre, get in the hole and slash the control
panel. Then get back on the
lift and ride it all the way up to the roof.
Kill the Stormtroopers, while avoiding the TIE
Bomber's bombs. Now run to the
right-hand edge of the roof. Looking down, you
should be able to see a tiny
ledge. Drop onto it and walk along. At the end,
climb up the ledge and you'll be
perched on a slim girder. Walk up to the top of
this structure, blasting the
turrets on the way, and make your way to the next
identical structure. Looking
inside the massive drops you'll notice a small
hole in the wall of the green
chute. From the opposite side, run forward, and
jump inside. Follow the tunnel,
then drop down and go down all the ramps. Blast
the Stormtroopers and collect
the power-ups here.
Now take the ramps back up to the lift and ride
it down. Go down the next lift
and you'll see a huge beast crawl out in front of
you. Kill it (using sequencer
charges and grenades), then collect the rocket
launcher from the small adjoining
room and press the button to call the slow lift
Go back up both lifts, then climb out of the lift
roof using the blocks inside.
As the second lift passes, jump on top of it, and
as it reaches the highest
point, jump onto the white ledge in the wall.
Lightsabre the grill to your left,
follow the tunnel, and use the two sets of
girders to reach the opposite door.
Now jump onto the lifts to access the green and
white alcove and walk in. As you
do, the floor will open, and you'll drop down.
Now jump to the left, blast all the Stormtroopers
and grab all the power-ups.
Walk left, drop down, then let the air tube blast
you over to the other side.
Get on the roof of this pi
pe, and blast the
turret and troopers ahead of you. A
tight ledge just down and to the left houses
Bacta Tanks. Take them, then drop
down, using the small ledges to break your fall,
then crawl through the opening.
Take the lift up, then run down the corridor and
quickly run over to your right
as the hangar doors open. Now simply wait for Jan

Level 9
Fuel Station Lau
Turn to your left, go up the stairs, run along
the platform and jump over to the
opposite side for some power-ups and shields.
Then go up the stairs again, walk
towards the large pipe, crawl underneath and kill
the Bossk. Now crawl up the
side of the pipe and squeeze through to the small
tunnel. Walk along and you'll
fin a number of ramps and a room on top. Go up
the first ramp, kill the Bossk on
the other side, and pick up the yellow key from
inside the room. Then jump from
the ramp back to the start position, and use the
key on the door.
Blast the Bossk down the hall and the
Stormtroopers, then hit the switch in the
green panel. Follow the ramp down to a small
room, go in, and look at the map.
Now go down in the lift, blast the guards and
follow the ramp you're on. Hot the
second switch at the end then jump up to the
platform on your left. Go through
the door, crawl through, and drop down to the
right. From here, take the lift up
and walk forward to get the wrench. Drop back
down again and continue down the
ramp. Drop off the level you're on to the next
level, then use the lift to get
down to the lowest level. Jump across the gap to
the platform, follow the ramp
around to the small room, then press the pump
switch. Go through the door that's
opened behind you, and once through, close it
behind you. Go through the next
door, and close that behind you too.
From here, go down the lift and shoot the Bossk
on your right. Open the door and
hit the switch at the end. Walk through into the
room and go through the door in
the left corner. Follow the corridor until you
reach a switch. Press it and the
floor will drop down. Now go across the big room
and blast the turrets and
troopers. At the end there's an alcove with
health in and a grill that houses
some power-ups. Get them, then go through the red
door. After you enter the next
room, press the three switches from left to
right, then take the lift down.
Walk out, and flick the switch on the wall, then
walk down to the bottom and
jump up the right-hand side. Press the switch to
seal the door, then continue to
the next tank and repeat the opening and closing
behind you.
Eventually you'll find two large pipes at the
end. Go through the left-hand one,
and open the door at the end, shooting the
stormtroopers to your left, and walk
into the room they were in.
From here, walk up the steps on the left, then
turn to your right and take the
lift down. Now walk to the left, up the ramp,
take the next left, then right,
and hit the switch on the wall to open the panel.
Go through the thin panel opening, turn left and
keep running, shooting the
robots on the way. Jump across the fuel pool, and
continue and you'll eventually
fall down a drop. Take the lower pipe down and
you'll find yourself in a huge
spherical room.
Use your lightsabre to open the grate in the
middle of the room and jump in.
When you stop falling, jump to the right, killing
the Bossks, and go up the
steps to the door. Go through, and walk up to the
ship plans. Now turn around
and go to the left and take the lift up. Walk
along the corridor until you reach
a door, go through, walk right, then left and go
up the ramp.
Take the next lift up, turn right and go up the
ramp. At the top, turn left and
take the lift up all the way. Then turn right, go
up the ramp then make for the
doorway and go through, up the stairs.
Walk along the pipe, blasting the robots. At the
end, fall off to the left. Walk
forwards and quickly jump onto the opposite
platform to finish the level.

Level 10
8t88's Reward
Go up, then down the ramp, turn right, go through
the door and kill the
Stormtroopers. Go up the stairs, and press the
switch on the control panel.
Return to the now-open doors and drop down into
the room. Shoot the panel on the
right-hand side (if you hav
e the boxes ahead of
you), and blast the
Stormtroopers that come out. Then enter the door,
go through the two sets of
doors, then down the ramps and through the door
at the bottom.
Go over the bridge, through the door, and drop
down to ground level. GO through
the door that's straight ahead of you, shoot the
turrets and Stormtroopers, then
go through the door on your left, passi
ng through
three more doors and picking
up the red key, until you reach a bridge.
Go over the bridge, and drop down onto the lowest
bridge, then jump across to
the central structure, open the door at the end
of the ledge, and blast the
troopers. Search for, and press the small black
button on the wall, then go up
the ramp, straight over and down the next ramp.
Pick up the blue key from this
room, then travel all the way up the ramps to the
highest point. Here, you'll
find a door. Go through, blast the troopers and
pick up the power-ups, than take
the lift down, go through the door, and use the
large pipes to climb up to the
room with the fan.
Once on the side of the room, use the tiny girder
to edge around it, blasting
the two switches on either side of it. Once the
fan's stopped, go in, and walk
down the tubes until you find a panel with a
square door in it.
Open the door, go through, and walk along the
ledge to the door on the opposite
side of this generator room.
Go through it, take the lift up, then press the
right hand button next top the
window to deactivate the generator. Next, fall
down the lift shaft, and drop
down the large hole in the centre, where the
generator used to be working.
You'll be swept along until you find 8t88's
shuttle, then press the button
beside the door to finish the level.
The rest of the solution to Jedi Knight will,
thankfully, feature in next
month's PC GAMER.

Level 11:
The Brothers of the Sith
Gorc and Pic are pretty tough together, so try to
take them on one at a time.
Generally the big guy is simpler to dispatch with
jumping attacks, so waste him
first, then use power slashes (the 'Z' key) to
kill Pic.

Level 12:
Escape With The Map
Open the door to the right of you, nip through
the next door on your right and
leg it straight on through the large hangar door.
Follow the corridor round,
going through any doors you come across, then
take the left tunnel. Go up the
circular lift and pick up the yellow key.
Now ascend the yellow lift, hit the switch and
open the door. Cross the bridge
and take the lift up. Nab the green key, call the
opposite lift and go down. Get
off, collect the red key, retrace your steps back
to the tunnel by going down
the circular lift and walk through the other door
by the tunnel. Go down the
lift, hit the switch next to the forcefield, then
follow the conveyor belt along
and squeeze through the thin tunnel and up the
Jump onto the large crates from the ledge until
you reach the ledge with two
doors. Wander in and get the blue key, then
return to the circular lift room and
ascend the yellow lift again. Use the switches to
get across the yellow and red
key bridges, then whack the blue key switch.
Cross the bridge and the green key
bridge, then go up the lift and follow the ramp
until the room turns red.
From here, go down the opposite side (which is
identical to the one you've just
come up), over the bridge and open the door. Walk
up the ramp and go left around
the platform. Enter the door on your left, drop
down, go through the door and
get on board Jan's ship.

Level 13:
The Lost Planet Of The Jedi
Drop down the ledges and ramps and follow the
left-hand ledge around until you
reach the forcefield. Then scarper up the ramp,
blast the turrets and slash the
power supply with your sabre. Cross the bridge,
through the door, up the ramp
and slash the power supply over the grill, again
using your sabre.
Now go back through the door, over the bridge and
go up the ramp on the right-
hand side. Slash the yellow grill, and drop down.
Go up the lift at the end, and
slash the last power supply. Now return to the
main forcefield and walk through
into the water.
Swim down as far as you can, then surface and
follow the current until you see a
small underwater tunnel on your right. Squeez
through, surface in the pool, and
jump out, running up the ramp.
At the top, use the lift to descend, open the
door, and kill the AT-ST using the
rail detonator. After you've blasted it, look
down under the bridge and you'll
notice a pipe running underneath. To get onto it,
you need to run off the side
of the platform at the bridge. You should just
miss the side of the bridge
, and
land on the pipe. Run along it in the direction
of the forcefield and jump into
the crevice in the wall. Take the left-hand
tunnel and follow it. Slash the
grill at the end, jump up, and press the switch
in the adjoining room to lower
the forcefield.
Now run up to the room which is situated to the
left of the now-deactivated
forcefield. Nip up the ramp onto the top ledge
where you'll find another switch.
Press it to open the main doors, then run through
and close them behind you with
the switch to stop the endless supply of fuming
Stormtroopers following you.
Press the lift switch in the alcove on the right,
then ride the lift up. Hit the
switch in the room on the left of this area, then
walk into the next lift to
finish the level.

Level 14:
Maw - The Revenge
Quite a difficult opponent - you'll need to avoid
Maw's spinning attack and his
grip damage - but there are loads of power-ups
and objects to force 'throw'
with. You'll find some health behind the column
where you start, and the upper
level can be reached by jumping from the top of
the lift onto the adjacent

Level 15:
The Falling Ship
Walk towards the door, avoiding the pit in the
floor. Look to your upper left
when you arrive at the door, and you'll notice a
tunnel. Jump into it, then
slash through the grates. Drop down the shaft,
then jump up and run at the fan,
slashing the grate. Do the same for the second
fan, then leg it down the
corridor and drop into the curved red room.
Drop through the opening with red lights into the
tunnel, then run beyond the
oval openings and drop into the square room. From
here, take the tunnel on the
left until you reach a hole. Drop down, then drop
towards the cross in the
cylinder-shaped opening. Through the cross
there's an opening - take it, and
follow the tunnel into a room containing some
crates. Go down the ramp that
leads down to a door, open it and run forward
past the arrows into the room.
Now you're in there, hit both switches, then
return through the door and up the
two ramps. You'll eventually pass some arrows
pointing in the direction you're
going. Follow them and the tunnels it leads you
to until you find a ramp. Go
down it, through the door, and hit the switch
just to your right. Run across the
walkway and get into that there ship.

Level 16:
Sariss - Jedi Battleground
To defeat Sariss, your best bet is to grab Yun's
lightsabre, run for cover and
find the entrance to the fallen ship. In it
you'll find health packs and a stack
of shrapnel that can be used with force 'throw'.
If you're a light Jedi, using your sabre and the
force power 'persuade' should
do the job. If you're a dark Jedi, try to avoid
her line of sight so she doesn't
use her dreaded 'eye of death' on you.

Level 17:
The Valley Tower Ascent
When the lift arrives at the top, go left, up,
and into the room. Hit the
switch, then quickly run down the ramp and
through the door. Move down the
hallway, past the AT-AT, then go up the lift, and
once on the ledge, activate
the switch to open the door.
Go in, and take the first ramp on the left up to
the top. At the top, hit the
switch to deactivate the forcefield, then return,
and call the lift. Take the
lift down one stop, run across the cross and go
left in order to get in front of
the grill in the wall. Slash the grill, and the
grill behind it, with your
lightsabre, then go forward in to the yellow
light room.
Move forward into the shaft and fall down - don't
worry, you'll be held up by
the gravity. Now drop onto the ledge beneath you
(you'll have to turn round to
see it), and activate the switch.
Behind you, you'll see cargo crates rising up.
Jump onto one, and ride it back
to the ledge you came from. Return through the
grates and ride the lift up two
stops. You'll now see conveyer belts on the
and cargo crates travelling
along them. Using the crates, jump to the ledge
above you, then go in the door
on your left, and shoot the fuel drums from a
safe distance. Collect the power-
ups from the secret passage that is revealed,
then jump onto one of the cargo
crates, and ride it into the next vertical
As you go up you'll notice a ledge. Jump off,
onto it an
d pick up the railgun
and the power-ups. Then drop down to the bottom
of the shaft, jump back onto a
crate and leap into the tunnel entrance on the
side of the shaft.
Jump into the air tunnel, avoiding the ledges on
the side, then move forward and
out of the air tunnel onto the ledge. Drop down
the ledges until you can get
access to the large lift. Activate the lift and
go up.
From here, go left and take the small lift down,
avoid the wind tunnel to run to
the other side of the walkway and go up the ramps.
Hit the switch you find, then run back the way
you came, across the walkway, up
the lift, and go through the door. To the right
you'll see a platform. Get on
it, hit the switch, then run forward and walk to
the edge of the canyon. Drop
down onto the ledge, go through the room then
take the lift up. From here,
follow the stone ramp up, get on the lift and go
Run around the corner, down the passage, then run
past the wind tunnel and down
another passage. Go up in the lift at the end,
then run around the corner to the
wind tunnel. Drop down it, and go down the left
passage. Follow the ramps, then
hit the switch and head back under the pipes to
where you were. Hit the switch,
and quickly run into the pipes where the doors
were closed. Fall into the
cylindrical hole in the floor and look straight
down, opening the doors as you
fall. Hit the switch you find in front of you,
then take either hallway and ride
the elevator up. Follow the hallway you find
until you find a ramp, then open
the doors at the end. Follow the tunnels to a
ledge, then follow the ledge to a
room and a switch. Hit the switch, then drop off
the ledge, into the bottom of
the large air tunnel and rise up to the top.
Use your sabre on the grill, and go into the
elevator to complete the level.

Level 18:
Descent Into the Valley
At the top go through the door, and descend the
ramps. Hit the switch, get on
the lift, then fall down to the bottom by the
large cargo door in the floor.
Take the small lift up past two levels, then jump
to the hole on the other side
and collect the power-ups. Then drop down, follow
the tunnel into the room, go
up the ramp and open the door in front of you. Go
in, then take the door on your
right. Follow the hallway, and go down the ramp
into a room with a large hole in
the middle. Move into the hallway, then use the
switch to call the lift. Ride
the lift, then follow the walkway and open the
door you come to with the switch.
Go through, pick up the control room key, then go
through the other door, take
the lift up and drop down. Follow the tunnel
along, then head up the ramp to the
control room door on the right. Go through, hit
the switch, then leave the room.
Take the door on the right, go through the next
door, clockwise along the
hallway, go around the pit, then take the lift
down. Go across the outer
walkway, through the two doors, then hit the
switch you find. After the payload
has passed, jump down onto it. Then, facing the
flat wall, go to the left ledge,
and go down the hole in the floor. Follow the
hallway along, and take the left
branch. Go through the door on the far side, then
take the lift down, hit the
switch in the room, and you'll see the payload
Leave the room, taking the walkway to the right,
then jump onto the rotating
payload. This is very difficult, so use force
jump and/or force speed. Run along
it, then try to jump to the mid-section, then to
the opposite side. At the end
of this room is a door; go through it, take the
hallway on the right, then hit
the three switches you find at the bottom. Follow
the walkway, along to the
hall, then ride the lift down. Go down the rocky
hallway, then jump onto the
walkway opposite you. Turn right, and follow it
until you find a ramp. Follow
this down, and drop through the hole sur
by yellow lines, then go out of
the door and jump to the far ledge. Walk along
the thin wall, then jump to the
ledge on the other side. Hit the switch, then
drop onto the walkway and go
forward - through the hall on your right, the
doorway, and up the ramps. At the
top, turn around, and jump up the ledges to the
top, then drop onto the thin
ledge below, and jump onto th
e roof of the room.
Go in the opening, and follow
the hallway to the room with a ramp. Go down it,
press the button, then while
the air is still blowing, fall down the air
tunnel to the right. At the bottom,
use your lightsabre on the grill and fall through
to complete the level.

Level 19:
The Valley of the Jedi
Leave the air tunnel, and head up the ramp then
through the door on the right.
Take the ramp on your right, follow the hallway,
go down another ramp and take
the lift down. Get off at the second stop, then
drop down the hole in the floor,
and follow the path until you are in a room with
a dead end on the right.
Blast the wall, grab the power-ups inside, then
turn around, and go into the
room with large metal supports. Go forward, down
the tunnel, then walk down the
ramp at the end into the next room.
Take either of the next tunnel's exits, then kill
the two Kell dragons that are
in this room - a combination of thermal
detonators and lightsabre is the best
tactic here. Now, drop into the hole that the
dragon was guarding, and fall into
the tunnel that opens up in the middle of the
shaft. Follow it until you reach a
room with ledges on the walls.
Walk along the hallway, into the room with a
ramp, and fall down the shaft.
Hit the switch four times to open the stone door,
then go forward to the next
Push the button until it closes the door, then
quickly run through before it
closes behind you. Next, run up the passage, and
continue over the two
counterweights. After passing the second, drop
into the area behind the crates,
then go past them and go through the door on the
left. Blast the AT-ST with your
rail detonator, then get the red key off the
commander who appears. Open the
large doors using the key, and it's end of level.

Level 20:
Boc - The Crude
If you are a Light Jedi, the force
powers 'absorb' and 'health' will go a long
way to help you defeat Boc, as well as the use
of 'persuade'. Unfortunately, he
jumps around so much, you'll need to sneak up
behind him to attack. Use the
central platform for cover from his
force 'destruction', and make sure you don't
attack him while he's swinging both his
lightsabres together. If you are looking
particularly unwell, you can head down the
tunnels; these lead to a main room
which houses a bacta tank and some power-ups.
Although if you've made your way
there, you ought to watch out for Boc, who has a
habit of jumping on you when
you least expect.

Level 21:
Jerec - The Force Within
The last battle is extremely difficult - you need
to hit the switches behind
both statues to prevent Jerec rejuvenating his
powers after each attack. Use
force 'speed' to run to the switches, and he'll
become weaker every time. Force
power 'absorb' is also essential on this level to
avoid his use of
'destruction'. Two blocks then an attack usually
works - just never leave
yourself open to him.
Alternatively, plant many timed sequencer charges
next to the entrance to the
recharge point, and watch him walk into them.
Be prepared to repeat this procedure many times,
as Jerec's an extremely tough
cookie. When he's beaten, sit back and watch the
final FMV sequence, which shows
you your fate...

Other Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 cheat codes
1. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 hints
3. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 hints
1. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 faq and solutions
2. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 faq and solutions
3. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 faq and solutions
4. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 faq and solutions
5. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 faq and solutions

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