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Outpost (1994) hints

Seed factory:
Use the Elevation Map on the site map window to choose a landing area. The clear
terrain is shown in black so the best locations are black with the red dots -
which mark potential mines - identified from orbit.
When you place the Seed factory a red 'X' will appear on the diamond-shaped tile
map. Run a turn by left-clicking on the small planet in the lower right-hand
corner of the screen. Then the turn number will appear below the planet. When
you see the Seed lander on the map (in place of the red 'X') you can start
running turns to get the Seed factory started. Construction tiles and pre-
fabricated tubes will appear.

Building with tubes:
Tubes carry air and power from your CHAP and power facilities. For most
structures a tube connection is required to physically connect it to the
existing network of buildings and tubes. Since construction also requires a tube
connection on a tile adjacent to your intended building site you may find that
nothing is available in your tile selector window except for robots and tubes.
After placing a tube on a bulldozed part of the diamoned-shaped tile map
structures will appear in the tile selector window provided resources are
currently available to build new structures. When your colony is just starting
tubes will be unavailable in the tile selector window until you've brought down
your first colonist lander.

Early construction:
During the first 50 turns or so you should build slowly. Allow for the
completion of each structure before starting a new one. In the meantime you can
always bulldoze mine and tunnel horizontally or vertically with your robodiggers
(assuming these are available when you want them). Build your first few
structures in this order: agricultural dome; CHAP; power facility; storage tanks
residential units.
If your morale is falling fast you may want to build a couple of residential
units to slow it down. You'll need to build a power facility before the Seed
Factory stops supplying power - around turn 150. SPEW facilities provide
resources from the sewage generated by residential units so it's also a good
structure to build early on. In addition sort out a warehouse and a robot
command facility. The latter will allow you to make use of your robots build by
the Seed factory. Gradually add more mines to ensure that your resources keep
Remember that an operating SPEW will generate MPG which will replace any
resources you may temporarily be missing. It's stored at the SPEW facility and
automatically used to maintain existing structures. You can check the amount of
MPG in storage by getting a SPEW report - simply left-click on it.

Seed factory collapse:
Also remember that you will lose your Seed factory units (power; smelter; robot
factory) after 150 turns so if you want to maintain those functions you must
build replacement structures. Before the Seed factory units collapse make sure
that your tube connections can be maintained between structures. Tubes are
required to carry power and air both for construction of new buildings and
maintenance of those buildings. You need a constant physical connection of
buildings and tubes to maintain the supply of power and air to all your
structures so you'll need tubes that bypass your seed factory before it

Using the robots that landed with your seed factory:
Your seed factory landed with three robots on board: a robodozer; a robominer
and a robodigger. While the seed factory is building itself these three robots
can be assigned to tasks on the diamond-shaped tile map that dominates your
screen. When available they are visible in the tile selector window at the top
centre of your screen.
When you first place your robots it's wise to place a robodigger adjacent to one
of the tube openings that are part of the seed factory complex. It will then
start digging a shaft to create your first underground level. On the surface of
the planet a robodigger can only dig a new level when it starts next to the
surface tube connecting it to its home colony. Because the robodigger constructs
the air shaft for the underground levels the tube connection is required to
carry air and power to structures. When you want to extend an air shaft to a
deeper level place a robodigger directly on an existing one.
Place the robominer on a red mining beacon. Later to extand a mine shaft to a
deeper level - on planets where this is possible - position a robominer directly
on an existing underground mine shaft. This will not affect the functioning of
the existing mine.
Finally position a robodozer beside one of the other tube openings to prepare a
building site. When you have placed all these robots the tile selector window
will be empty. You must run turns to complete the current activity by those
robots. As each robot completes an activity it will reappear in the tile
selector window for assignment to a new task.

The starship locates many potential mine sites and the geological penetrator
probe can discover more. But to find the best mining sites you'll need explorer
robots. They perform their function automatically and each is capable of finding
undiscovered mines. On the Easy difficulty level ten explorers are sufficient to
discover the remaining mine sites.

Building robots with your seed factory:
Once the construction of your seed factory is complete you can use it to build
additional basic robots. Familiarise yourself with each unit of the seed factory
by left-clicking on each of the finished units and reading the report that
identifies its individual function.
When you select the robot factory portion of the seed factory you can start
building additional robots. There is a text entry area on the robot factory
report which has a small arrow to its right. Clicking on the arrow button will
pull down the robot production menu. By selecting one of these robot types and
closing the report you have set the factory to produce one of those robots every
five turns. After you've build one or more of a single robot type you can go
back to this same report and reset production to build a new type.
New robots must be stored in a warehouse. Usually one warehouse is sufficient to
hold robots for a long time. Since those active in the field require no storage.
You must have at least one warehouse to store the robots that your seed factory
is building - otherwise nothing will happen. To activate your automatons you
must also build a robot command centre (described below).
Building robots without the seed factory:
The seed factory can keep producing robots right up to the end of its life which
occurs around turn 151. For the first phase of the game seed factory robot
production will often be sufficient for your needs. However at some point you
may decide to build more in which case you'll need a surface factory: after turn
151 this is your only option for building new robots. Active ones have a life of
200 turns before their fuel cells die so you'll start losing them after this
point if you haven't already said goodbye to some due to accidents.

Activating new robots with Robot Command:
However they are produced the new machines need to be stored in a warehouse from
which they are available to robot command units. Each command facility can
operate ten machines. If you want to operate 11 you will need to construct a
second facility.
If a factory has produced robots and a warehouse exists to store them and at
least one robot command facility exists to operate its ten automations they will
appear in your tile selector window so that you can place them on the tile map.
If all of the currently available robots are active no more of that type will
appear in the tile selector window.
The radius of a command area is unlimited if you have a communications satellite
in orbit (assuming you packed one when you left Earth). If you have no satellite
communications towers must be built to extend the range of your robominers and
other robots. Each command facility and each tower has a communications radius
of 30 tiles.

When buildings go idle:
Buildings go idle due to lack of resources; power or people. In the case of
laboratories this happens if they are not assigned a specific line of research.
When a structure's report shows it status as 'idle' you can find out what
resources it needs by clicking on the 'Needs' button at the bottom of the report
The CHAP facility report is reached through the Executive Summary Report buttons
CHAP and power facilities are at the top of the priority list when resources are
scarce allowing time to react to the resource shortage. Bulldoze unnecessary
structures particularly if you have an operational SPEW facility to recycle the
bulldozed building materials. Make sure you have operating mines; an operating
smelter and sufficient space in your storage tanks to handle all the processed
resources coming into your colony.
If buildings are only idle due to a lack of staff bulldozing unnecessary
structures will free up employed workers. Alternatively wait for your population
to grow and age - giving you a larger available workforce.

Why people die:
People die naturally from old age or by accident (life is designed that way of
course). This will occur no matter what you do. Deaths also occur due to
starvation or lack of air but these are problems you can do something about.
When you recieve a death message after running a turn it doesn't necessarily
mean you are doing anything wrong. Check to make sure that enough food is being
produced by your agricultural domes (one unit feeds ten people) and that your
structures are getting enough air. If you have handled these requirements you
know they're dying due to old age or accident. After turn 60 deaths by old age
or accident are substantially reduced - because the first part of the colony has
been built; the weaker people who survived the trip have subsequently died in
the hostile environment; and construction accidents are fewer because the
workers have learned better and safer techniques.

Resource movement from mines to colony smelters:
Mined ores are stored at each shaft until a full load is ready to be moved by
the truck assigned to that mine. When built each pit has one truck to
automatically more ores to the Seed factory smelter you can build yourself. You
won't see these trucks operating but rest assured they're on the job.
Storage tanks are also required to receive the smelted resources and make them
available for the colony.

Trucks can be produced by your surface factories speeding up resource movements
between the mines; smelters and storage tanks. They are not affected by the
robot command facility of ten robots each. New trucks are automatically created
to serve each new mine. Any trucks you build will remain in your warehouses
until one currently in use breaks down; then one of the warehouse trucks is used
On the Easy difficulty setting it is possible to get through most or all of the
game without having to use extra trucks. Although there are no roads or
monorails in the version of Outpost that was released; resources are moved
automatically from place to place as necessary.

Setting up a colony on a new world needn't be a chore with these cheats. While
playing the game pushing [Ctrl] with [F9] will kill all the rebels. [Ctrl]+[F10]
calls up a disasters menu. To get unlimited resources press [Ctrl]+[F11]. To get
maximum or minimum education morale and crime toggle them by pressing

Other Outpost (1994) cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. Outpost (1994) cheat codes
1. Outpost (1994) faq and solutions

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