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Planet's Edge cheats / Planet's Edge hints / Planet's Edge faqs / Planet's Edge solutions Planet's Edge hints G'Day to you, gamers. If you are reading this, then you are being slowly driven crazy by one of the most fascinating RPG/Space games around. Well, don't despair, this will get you through the game. I've combined my experience (I completed the game with ONE hint, not perfectly, but complete) with the cluebook to produce what I believe is a comprehensive gaming aid. Some Background: The proper sequence of the rainbow is... Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet... you'll need this information to pass a "test" in the game. The game has a neat little glitch in it... In those combat sequences where there is an intervening wall between you and the enemy, and you can still see the enemy, you can shoot through the wall, while the enemy cannot. Your accuracy goes all to hell, but they still die. Keep this in mind. Except for those cases where Katya has the Mass Cannon, concentrate your fire on one opponent at a time. While most Orbital Bases accept bribes to allow access, the amount varies from two to one hundred cargo units, the bases manned by the silvery cyborg types MUST be destroyed to gain access to the planet. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, take all the minerals from a planet. If you do the probability that the resource renews itself when you reenter the system is reduced to 1%. STARTING THE GAME You begin at MoonBase. It is not necessary to build a single object to begin the game. Evenly distribute the Ammo Clips amongst the three other characters while giving the Heavy Magazines to Katya. Give a Rifle to William and Nelson, and give a spare Flak Jacket to each of the characters. Give the First Aid Kits and Trauma Kits to Osai. Your first stop will be Alpha Centauri II. There are Eight Sequences in the Game, each named after one of the sectors, and two Stand-alone Planetary Scenarios. The scenario on Alpha-C II is a stand-alone and must be completed to give your characters the basic weaponry and armor to move to the next stage. When you land on the planet, you are in the middle of a courtyard with four very hostile robots. Kill them, and take three hand lasers (Osai already has one). Keep one other weapon as a back-up. Go through the station, saving frequently, you will come across more hostile robots, some blue-headed androids (DO NOT kill these at this time) and several items of value... these are: Kevlar suits; a Grenade Launcher and Medikits and Trauma Kits. The only other item of interest is the Android Key which allows you to access the information in the severed android heads (silver globes) scattered around the station. The info given by these heads is useful, if somewhat obscure at first. You may drop the key in the station after using it, it has no other use. Use the courtyard to regularize your inventory and return to MoonBase so that the Kevlar Suits and Grenade Launcher can be added to your manufacturing inventory. At this point you are ready to embark on your quest for the eight pieces of the Centauri Device. But first, I suggest a side trip to Rana Prime... to "harvest" some Mono-Mol Disk Guns and Modu-Armor. Mug isolated non-verbal workers (try to use the game glitch mentioned above) and arm your troops with the guns. Read the listing for this weapon, and you'll see why the trip is worth the trouble. A NOTE ON BUILDING Although you find just about everything in the course of the game, you STILL have to build lots of things, Ships, Ship's engines and weapons, some ammo and items. You find that to build, you have to have minerals. Guess what, you don't have what you need. So, you're stuck with the tedious chore of mining and/or trading for minerals. Additionally, you find that the very mineral you need is on a planet with a guardian starbase. This has gotta be the worst part of the game, but its unavoidable. Anyway, I'm enclosing a list of planets, found and from the cluebook, by mineral. The notation is... Mineral -- Planet (if the planet is guarded, the notation is: Planet */B#, where *=starbase and B=bribable and #=amount of bribe if remembered, and if I am not sure whether it is guarded or not, the notation is: ?/?. Note, if in the course of the game hints, the planet you have to land on is guarded, the same notation applies. Organics -------------- Alpha Centauri IV */B2, Asellus III Crystals -------------- Atria III */?, Acamar III Radioactives ---------- Alderberan Prime, Aldhibain (Prime, I think) Common Liquids -------- Chara III */B30, Sheratan V Heavy Metals ---------- Sol II (Venus), Nusakan III Inert Gasses ---------- Altair IV, Alphard IV ?/? Soft Metals ----------- Sirius V, Seginus VIII, Asellus Prime Alien Gasses ---------- Kerb Prime ?/?, Sarin Prime, Deneb Prime, Phact VII ?/? Alien Metals ---------- Miaplacidus Prime */B2, Biham Prime */B2, Tais IV Alien Isotope --------- Rutilicus Prime */B?, Shedir Prime ?/?, Menkent Prime Alien Crystal --------- Kursa II */B50, Kitalpha Prime Alien Liquid ---------- Almach IV, Diadem V */NB(have to kill it... its tough) Alien Organic --------- Scheat III, Dubhe III ?/? Rare Elements --------- Unukalhai Prime ?/?, Misam II New Elements ---------- Nekkar Prime Hybrid Solids is a "blind". No use, no place to find it, not listed in the cluebook. There may be more planets than I have listed. Then there's the glitch -- At a guarded Mineral Planet, you can do a fly-by mineral load by ordering the Engineer to "Dump Cargo", and load up instead. This is accomplished with the target planet in the left scanner, and NOT being in orbit. Works for ALL Mineral Planets, even those with StarBases. Of course, the second aspect of this glitch is even MORE fun... If you load your ship WITHOUT orbiting, the game doesn't know that you've taken minerals from the planet... so, you can take x amount of minerals from a planet without depleting it, provided you do not take more than half of the total minerals per access. BUILDING SHIPS You do not have to build ships in class order. In fact, its better to skip some classes and go right to the best ship for the job. You definitely should build a Class 2 ship, this will allow you to obtain minerals faster so that you can build a Class 4. Later in the game, a Class 2 with a Mark 6 Engine is the best fast scout around. There isn't a ship that can catch it, so, if you need to go someplace where you don't have to bribe or fight, then this configuration is it. A Class 4 with a Mark 6 or 7 Engine is an excellent armed freighter. With proper handling and patience, it will outfight anything in the sky, and unarmed, with a Mark 7, nothing can catch it. Now, if the attitude's gotta be: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... 'cause I'm the meanest SOB in the valley", then build a Class 7 with Mark 7 engines and arm it with MegaMissles and Rack Guns. YOU WILL BE *BAD*, slow, but bad. But remember kiddies, you're not the only player with Class 7s, AND a Class 7 Starbase did not have to mount engines. I'd say all kinds of thing about ship-to-ship tactics, how to nuke starbases, and alla that good garbage, but hey!, you gotta do something. Shield Strength Calculation = Square of the size times 10. E.g. Size 6, shields = (6 X 6) = 36 X 10 = 360. Note that the number is also the Equipment/cargo size of the vehicle. THE SECTORS OF THE GAME After your first contact on Alpha Centauri II, You must complete the Eight Sectors. Upon completion of each, you will receive a piece of the Centauri Device. When the device is completed, Earth will return from the White Hole, and you've won. In ascending order of difficulty with the items found therein, the sectors are: 1. Algieba Sector, containing the scenarios: (ALGIEBAN CRYSTALS) If Love be True ------- Talitha II Gift of the Magin ----- Subra II Inauguration Day & Flight of the Attagi -- Algieba IV */B2 Solitare -------------- Kooshe Prime 2. Kornephoros Sector, containing the scenarios: (MASS CONVERTER) Spawn ----------------- Rutilicus II Loki's Sun ------------ Sabik Prime */B7 A Narrow Thread ------- Eltanin VII Of Universal Concern -- Kochab II Cognito Ergo Sum ------ Kornephoros III 3. Caroli Sector, containing the scenarios: (GRAVITIC COMPRESSOR) Forsake the Wind ------ Denebola IV Harvest --------------- Alula IV A Small Matter -------- Cor-Caroli Prime Life Gallery ---------- Merak Prime */B? (This is a stand-alone) 4. Alhena Sector, containing the scenarios: (KRUPP SHIELDS) Squatters ------------- Procyon III (I think) When Titans Fall ------ Capella Prime Catalog #38791 -------- Alhena VII Peace Offering -------- Hyades I */B50 5. Zaurak Sector, containing the scenarios: (K-BEAM) Error Factor 0 -------- Rana Prime Stormy Weather -------- Rasalmothal V Matter of Conscience -- Zaurak II Edge of Twilight ------ Diphda IV */B? 6. Ankaq Sector, containing the scenarios: (HARMONIC RESONATOR) Apocalypse Factor ----- Fomalhaut VI Instrument of the Gods Ankaq Prime Shadowside ------------ Deneb II */B100 Pearl of Price -------- Nashira III Double Blind ---------- Alrai II 7. Izar Sector, containing the scenarios: (N.I.C.T.U.) From the Ruins -------- Arcturas III We the Abducted ------- Mizar V Circle of Light ------- Alkaid Prime The Concierge --------- Izar II */B100 A Taste of Id --------- Vindemiatrix Prime 8. Alnasl Sector, containing the scenarios: (ALGO CAM) By Puppet Strings ----- Alnasl Prime */B100 Ghosts, Nightmares and Yesterdays -------- Vega IX */NB (Kill it) Into the Breach ------- Ascella II */NB With the exception of the "Life Gallery" scenario, you MUST complete all of the scenarios to win the game. Now, some of you remember the "no violence" philosophy of the first StarFlight game... not here. The game accepts whatever action you perform without comment. Actually, the ONLY standard of behavior control needed is... "Is it effective?" Really, though mindless slaughter is fun, and it burns up those calories, you have to behave EFFECTIVELY to complete the game. Remember, in some scenarios, mayhem doesn't work. NOTE OF INTEREST At this point, I'm expected to give you a step-by-step walkthru. Instead, I'm going to give you a quick run-through for each scenario and advise you to read the Objects File below, it'll tell you where just about everything is. Its up to you to get them, and make them work... that's where the fun is. Some advice, however... Cin-Sae Spawn, the inhabitants of Zaurak II and the Outsiders on Ascella II can kick some serious ass... beware. 1. FIRST CONTACT (Alpha Centuri II) -- Object: practice and to pick up significant clues and equipment to move on in the game (see walk-thru). ALGIEBA SECTOR 1. IF LOVE BE TRUE (Talitha II) -- Main Object: Obtain the Trinket for use on Subra II, and obtain the Geal A'nai Amulet for use on Algieba. Secondary Object: rescue the Princess, obtain upgraded armor and weapons. Objects needed: Levitator, Matches, Queen's Banner(optional). Goodies: Laser Rifle, Composite Armor, Assault Laser, Ammo, Medkits. Major Hint: There's a MAZE in the garden. 2. GIFT OF THE MAGIN (Subra II) -- Object: Obtain the Algiebian Invite. Objects Needed: Trinket, Imastyl, Talking Stick. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: An Imastyl is the means of communication for these Cabbage-Heads. 3. INAUGURATION DAY & FLIGHT OF THE ATTAGI (Algieba IV,*/B2) -- Object: Obtain the ALGIEBAN CRYSTALS, Ship Plans, President's Amulet and Security Card (which is also valid on Diphda IV). Objects needed: Geal A'nai Amulet, Gravity Bar, Choassqa Card Sets(3), Algieban Tals, Sixth Seal, Vegan Wine, Press Pass, Eyeglasses (optional). Goodies: Turbo-Laser, Ship Plans, Fixit Kit, Ammo, Medkits. Major Hint: The Geal A'nai are the Bad Guys, and the guarded character on the Starship IS NOT President Ishtao. 4. SOLITAIRE (Koo-She Prime) -- Object: Obtain the Technical Plans. Objects needed: President's Amulet, Mirror Shard. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: Deactivating the Security System requires a creature with FOUR arms. Check the Genetic Lab. KORNEPHOROS SECTOR 1. SPAWN (Rutilicus II) -- Object: Survival! Also, obtain the Visitors' Card for use on Sabik Prime, obtain the Generator for use on Eltanin VII, obtain the Soossee Dagger for use on Kochab II. Secondary object (optional): Obtain a Planetary Deed for use on Kochab II. Objects needed: Transformer. Goodies: Thermite Launcher, Ceramic Armor, Chain Sword, Energy Mace. Major Hint: 1.The Cin-Sae Spawn are devastating at close range, and are extremely susceptible to Mono-Mol Guns. 2.To obtain the Generator, ALL Cin-Sae must be killed. There are some hiding in the bathroom of the house closest to the sewer grating. 3.In the sewers, look for the levers that move the walls, stay out of the green stuff, watch out for the MOMMA Cin-Sae. 2. LOKI'S SUN (Sabik Prime,*/B7) -- Object: Obtain the Sector Clearance for use on Eltanin VII, obtain the Spare Parts for use on Kornephoros III. Objects needed: Visitor's Card, Industrial Badge, Bag 'o Diamonds, Skocha Root. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: Pull the security levers so the phrase reads "Our ships wait in hiding until your awakening". 3. A NARROW THREAD (Eltanin VII) -- Object: Obtain the Sonic Pincers for use on Kochab II, obtain the Ship Plans. Objects needed: Thermaul, Sector Clearance, Generator. Goodies: Seeker(if you kill a Nusakan, not necessary). Major Hint: Clear the snow/ice from the Comm Array (outside of the station) with the Thermaul. 4. OF UNIVERSAL CONCERN (Kochab II) -- Object: Obtain the MASS CONVERTOR, obtain the Uni-Lock and Spare Parts for use on Kornephoros III. Secondary object: Obtain the Shroud of Kriq, Battle Laser(optional). Objects needed: Perfume, Sonic Pincers, Cyber Credit, Planetary Deed, Soossee Dagger, Ulfas Cloth, 10 Credit Card, Shroud Admission Scroe Special. Goodies: Some kinda good stuff in Sepo's secret room, I forget what, though. Major Hint: Ignore the trading sequence to obtain the Battle Laser (Perfume-->Ulfas Cloth-->10 Credit Card-->Scroe Special-->Battle Laser), and use the Uni-lock in Sepo's Warehouse. 5. COGNITO ERGO SUM (Kornephoros III) -- Object: (First visit) Obtain the Cyber Credit for use on Kochab II, obtain access to The Crypt of The Last Defender. (Second Visit) Obtain the Cygnus Cannon. Secondary object: Pick up some SERIOUS Goodies. Objects needed: (First visit) Uni-lock, Spare Parts. (Second visit) Last Stanza. Goodies: LOTS!, all in the Crypt, use the Touch-Take-Save-Reload "Trick" and shop away. Get those Fields! Major Hint: Search the piles of Alien Meat (yuck!) in the Courtyard. CAROLI SECTOR 1. FORSAKE THE WIND (Denebola IV) -- Object: Obtain the Ship Plans AND Tech Plans. Objects needed: Decorative Orbs(2), Ysaf Note, Eldarin Pot. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: If it is outside and shoots, kill it! Don't shoot first. 2. HARVEST (Alula IV) -- Object: Obtain the Ysaf Note. Objects needed: Tractor Part, Harvest Key, Sack of Lozam, Stone, Com Nav Sq 2345-8. Goodies: Evian Armor, Trauma Kit, Laser Sword. Major Hint: 1.The Sack of Lozam is in one of the potted plants. 2.The solution to the second puzzle given by Agricola involves the letters of his name. 3. A SMALL MATTER (Cor-Caroli Prime) -- Object: Obtain the GRAVITIC COMPRESSOR, obtain the Com Nav Sq 2345-8, obtain the Microtic Injector for use in Alnasl Prime. Objects needed: Requisition Form, Authorized Form, Mini Lab Pass, Logic Circuit Alpha, Logic Circuit Beta. Goodies: None. Major Hint: 1.You don't have to actually save the Lab Director to obtain the Authorized Form. 2.Look for the scorch marks on the circuit housings and blast them. 4. LIFE GALLERY (Merak Prime,*/B?) [Optional Scenario] -- Object: Obtain for the Eldarin the evidence that the Chytti are eating them. Secondary object: Obtain a Tac-Nuke Rifle. Objects needed: Gallery Admission, Slieth Egg, Caged Nochh, Decorative Orb, Strong Stomach. Goodies: Tac-Nuke Rifle, nothing else new. Major Hint: You don't need to do this. A Tac-Nuke is more easily available on Alrai II. ALHENA SECTOR 1. SQUATTERS (Procyon) -- Object: Obtain the Dhoven Deed for use on Hyades Prime. Objects needed: Excellent Weapons/Armor, LOTS of Medikits, Nine lives. Goodies: Evian Armor, Battle Laser, Shielded Reflec (armor). Major Hint: Get in and out FAST! Once you pick up the Dhoven Deed, there is no reason to hang around, EVERYONE is trying to kill you. 2. WHEN TITANS FELL (Capella Prime) -- Object: Obtain the Leader's Stone for use on Hyades Prime, obtain the Flight Recorder for use on Alhena VIII. Objects needed: Fire Extinguisher, Alien Doll, Alien MedPaks, Code obtained from the REAL Captain. Goodies: Mini-AidPaks, Shielded Reflec, Personal Shield. Major Hint: Kill the Nochh and Scroe, and the guy who talks about using a Pikor on the Control Room door IS NOT the real Captain. 3. CATALOG #38791 (Alhena VIII) -- Object: Obtain the Numistat Deed for use on Hyades Prime. Objects needed: Dhoven Deed, Flight Recorder, Rubber Stamp. Goodies: Assault Suit, Teflar Suit, Smart Gun, Soossee Dagger. Major Hint: Simple and straightforward as this scenario is, remember, there are Neutron Droids behind that door. 4. PEACE OFFERING (Hyades Prime,*/B?) -- Object: Obtain the KRUPP SHIELDS and Ships Plans. Objects needed: Numistat Deed, Leaders' Stone. Goodies: Nothing new (the Alien Regen is only worthwhile to ressurect the one alien in the same room the Regen is found in.) Major Hint: The four sliding switches in the four identical rooms are the key to the scenario, and don't forget to talk to the guy you free from the bathroom. ZAURAK SECTOR 1. ERROR FACTOR 0 (Rana Prime) -- Object: Obtain the K-BEAM. Objects needed: None. Goodies: Mono-Mol Disk Guns, Modu-Armor, Ammo, Optical Key. Major Hint: Talk to the Giate to obtain the Grav Bouys, then talk to him again AFTER you've visited the next three planets. (Shooting the Giate works too.) 2. STORMY WEATHER (Rasalmothal V) -- Object: Place the Grav Bouy properly, obtain the Cyber Boots, obtain the Slieth Egg(optional). Goodies: Cyber Boots. Major Hint: ALL non-sentients are hostile, there are traps all over the place and remember the "Claw Puzzle" mentioned on Rana? 3. MATTER OF CONSCIENCE (Zaurak II) -- Object: Place the Grav Bouy Properly. Goodies: Defense Wave. Major Hint: ALMOST everyone is hostile, you MUST enter the "Treasure Room" to place the Grav Bouy, and you have to shoot someone to get in. 4. EDGE OF TWILIGHT (Diphda IV, */B50) -- Object: Place the Grav Bouy properly, obtain the Mass Cannon, obtain the Ships Plans. Objects needed: Cyber Credit, Security Card. Goodies: Mass Cannon, Evian Armor, Ships Plans. Major Hint: Before playing the Scorch Game, go around back and throw the switch, and be magnamous to the losing Champion. ANKAQ SECTOR 1. APOCALYSE FACTOR (Fomalhaut VI) -- Object: Talk to the Ethnys Queen, obtain the Optical Key. Objects needed: Laser-proof armor. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: Move fast, hit hard, get out quickly. 2. INSTRUMENT OF THE GODS (Ankaq Prime) -- Object: First visit; obtain the Comnet for use on Shadowside, obtain the Utrecian Key for use on Alrai II: Second visit; Place the four spheres and obtain the HARMONIC RESONATOR. Objects needed: First visit; Optical Key, Second visit; The Four Spheres. Major Hint: DON'T kill the baby Ethnys. 3. SHADOWSIDE (Deneb II, */B100) -- Object: Obtain the Sphere of Harmon for use on Ankaq Prime, obtain Wet Suit for use on Nashira III. Objects needed: Comnet, Mintap, Used Eyeball, Datatape, Mass Cannon. Goodies: Assault Suit, Mass Cannon, Seeker, Plasma Generator. Major Hint: They've totally messed up their planet, and they're annoying to boot... kill them, they're better off dead. 4. PEARL OF PRICE (Nashira III) -- Object: Obtain the Sphere of Themi. Objects needed: False Sphere, Wet Suit (4). Goodies: None. Major Hint: None, this is the most straightforward scenario of the game. 5. DOUBLE BLIND (Alrai II) -- Object: Obtain the Sphere of Rhyth AND Sphere of Awa for use on Ankaq Prime, obtain the False Sphere for use on Nashira III, obtain the Tac-Nuke Rifle. Objects needed: Utrecian Key, Gold Sphere(4), Bag of Diamonds, Two other Spheres(any color). Goodies: Tac- Nuke Rifle, Rocket Launcher. Major Hint: Give one Gold Sphere to each character, and touch the picture in Cu's office. IZAR SECTOR 1. FROM THE RUINS (Arcturas III) -- Object: Obtain the Omega Card for use on Alkaid Prime, obtain the Star Stone for use on Izar II, obtain the Maint Card for use on Vindemiatrix Prime. Objects needed: Silver Locket, Official Papers, Letters, Bag of Diamonds, Civitic(Cevitic) Balance(r). Goodies: All kinds of low-tek armor/weapons, Plasma Bow Major hint: The order of chest openings in the Mayor's Treasure Room is: close close open close open open open close open open open close close close open close open open open close. Note: You can complete WE THE ABDUCTED or CIRCLE OF LIGHT, it is not necessary to complete both, in fact, if you complete WE THE ABDUCTED, CIRCLE OF LIGHT is moot. 2. WE THE ABDUCTED (Mizar V) -- Object: Obtain the Hataphas Gem for use on Izar II, obtain the Civitic Balancer for use on Arcturas III. Object needed: Nav Beacon. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: The warehouse is to the South. 3. CIRCLE OF LIGHT (Alkaid Prime) -- Object: Obtain the Hataphas Gem for use on Izar II. Objects needed: Omega Card. Goodies: May Field, Sub-Atomic Blaster. Major Hint: Search the glowing squares and green beams before entering, and wear Modu-Armor or May Fields. 4. THE CONCIERGE (Izar II [Melchior], */B100) -- Object: Obtain the N.I.C.T.U., obtain the Ships Plans and Technical Plans. Objects needed: Hataphas Gem(6) [five are obtainable here], Cyber Boots, Pikor, Funny Hat, Cygnus Cannon, Star Stone. Goodies: Ship Plans, Technical Plans. Major Hint: Use the Cyber Boots to go over the invisible maze. 5. A TASTE OF ID (Vindemiatrix Prime) -- Object: Obtain the Nav Beacon for use on Mizar V, obtain the Funny Hat for use on Izar II. Objects needed: Maint Card. Goodies: None. Major Hint: There is no way to get throught the force field in the center of the colony, and unless you've been to Ascella II, the Funny Hat is the key to the Last Stanza. BTW, do this BEFORE doing THE CONCIERGE. ALNASL SECTOR 1. BY PUPPET STRINGS (Alnasl Prime, */B100) -- Object: Obtain the Control Spike for use on Vega IX. Objects needed: Control Crystals, P.C. Strandware, Microtic Injector, Mindnet Key. Goodies: Needler. Major Hint: The Touch-take-save-reload "trick" works here, too. The Anti-Mat(ter) Grenade is WORTHLESS (and dangerous). Shooting the Madman at the door is an excellent stategy, and shooting the Ominar Proconsul works, too. 2. GHOSTS, NIGHTMARE AND YESTERDAYS (Vega IX, */NB) -- Object: Obtain the Escape Code for use on Ascella II. Objects needed: Control Spike. Goodies: Nothing new. Major Hint: The monitors scattered throughout the station are depictions of atomic structures. The formulas can be read as intructions... e.g. NaCl means "Touch the Sodium monitor once and the Chlorine monitor once". No, you have to look up the number of atoms in the elements just like I did... 3. INTO THE BREECH (Ascella II, */NB) -- Object: Obtain the ALGO CAM. Objects needed: Escape Code, ISC Pin. Goodies: Shroud of Kriq(4), Dreadnought Suit(4), Cygnus Cannon(4). Major Hint: This is a very dangerous scenario. Save early and often, get the Shrouds FIRST. The robotic sentries guarding the Algo Cam are armed with Tac-Nuke Rifles, the Red-Head Androids are carrying Atomizers... the ability to resurrect your characters is a MUST. Use the "Shoot through walls glitch whenever possible. NO ONE is a Good Guy, kill them ALL! OBJECTS IN THE GAME NOTE ON THE OBJECT FILE: I "lifted" a file called OBJECTS.BCH from the game, deleted the ASCII symbols, and used the text as a basis for this file. I have left the game description intact... the first part of the object listing is the text you will see when you examine something in your inventory. I have added to the file such comments, observations and, in some cases, information from the cluebook in order to make the use and value of each item clear. My comments start with a reference to the type of ammunition used or a "first found" annotation. NOTE ON OBJECTS: Totally different objects of the same or of a different "class" will share a common object icon... e.g. A Laser Rifle, Battle Laser, Super Laser and Cygnus Cannon appear exactly alike on the playing field. "Look at" the icon to determine exactly what it is. Another note: Those items with a "no listing" or "never found" annotation are probably red herrings placed in the object text file to throw off people (like myself) who break into these files for game clues. DAGGER -- Made with a reinforced titanium steel blade, this dagger would be effective when used hand to hand against an opponent without armor. No Ammo. Found in various locations, easy manufacture, poor weapon. SWORD -- Well balanced and highly decorated, this sword can be used both in state ceremonies as well as in battle. It would be highly lethal when used against an enemy without armor. No Ammo. Found on Arcturus III, easy manufacture, fair-poor weapon. PISTOL -- Made for U.N.F.A. a security weapon, the Baretta 2043-UFS actually came into field service in 2044 due to problems with its loading system. It fires a standard nine millimeter ammunition and is very effective at short ranges. Ammo Clip. Initial build, easy manufacture, it'll get you through the Alpha-Centuri Scenario, trade up ASAP. RIFLE -- A hunter's weapon, this rifle is a long range weapon with fair accuracy. Although it is not designed for combat situations, it can be very deadly in that capacity. Ammo Clip. Initial Build, also found in back room on Alula IV... see "Pistol". ASSAULT RIFLE -- Without a doubt an assassin's weapon, this rifle fires high power ammunition with laser fine accuracy. Heavy Magazine. Initial build, also found on Subra II, fair-good weapon, trade up ASAP. MACHINE GUN -- Very similar in design to U.N.F.A.'s hastily created G11-S, this machine gun fires caseless rounds that can penetrate most kinds of ballistic armor. Like most machine guns, it suffers from a very limited effective range. Heavy Magazine. Found on Talitha II (have to kill Royal Guard to get it), fair-good, trade up, range too short. HAND LASER -- The innovative design of this hand laser is both functional and practical. Using a coiled heat damping system, this weapon design allows laser technology to be effective in a hand held size. It depends on ammunition in the form of a power cell. Power Cell. Inital build... DON'T BUILD ANY... they're all over the place on Alpha-Centauri II (Kill the Robots to get them). Fair-good mid-tech Beam Weapon, trade up ASAP. LASER RIFLE -- More accurate than its hand held counterpart, the laser rifle is designed for slightly heavier tasks which require more power in a longer burst. In most galactic societies, this has become the standard medium range weapon. Power Cell. Good-Very Good mid-tech beam weapon. They are all over the place, Talitha II, Algieba IV, to name the first places you'll find them. Weapon of choice until Mono-Mol Disk Guns become available. ASSAULT LASER -- Created to deliver maximum damage without suffering from the dangers of medium ranged opposing fire, the Assault Laser has the best of both worlds and is a military issue weapon of choice. Only the very best of reflective armors are useful against this weapon. Energy Bank. In the hands of your Heavy Weapons Expert (Katya, the lady in the green uniform, Heavy Weapons/Navigator), a most excellent weapon. The other members of the crew cannot handle the bastard. Found on Talitha II, in the room south of the room with the pool table, ammo also provided. Note: To get the Royal Guardsmen out of the way, use the Matches to set fire to the banner BEFORE YOU RESCUE THE PRINCESS. Do not build, you only need one. ELECTRON GUN -- The fourth and least effective in a class of "sub-atomic" weapons, the Electron class gun creates injuries by stripping the electrons from contacted molecular structures, thereby severely injuring any unshielded targets. Particle Pack. A PIECE OF CRAP! Don't even bother with it. NEUTRON GUN -- The third in the class of "sub-atomic" weapons, the Neutron Gun breaks down the molecular integrity of its target by a barrage of very tightly focused neutrons. Unshielded targets are often seriously injured by these weapons. Neutrino Cache. Very effective when the other guy has them, but suffers from range and accuracy problems when in the hands of Terrans. Don't bother. Used by Ominar Guard Droids, Evian, and occasional baddies, Assault Suits, Modu-Armor or Mayfields most effective defense. SUB-ATOMIC BLASTER -- Like the less developed models, the sub-atomic blaster combines the strategies of electron and neutron guns and hits a target with much stronger effect. In addition, the designers of the sub-atomic blaster have also solved the problems of range and accuracy, improving on both counts. Neutrino Cache. Terrans face the same problems with these weapons as with Neutron Guns, stronger attack value of this weapon makes it even more dangerous. Phlemruck (squid-like badguys on Izar II) and others are armed with these. Same defense. BLUE QUARK GUN -- Code named project Blue Quark, this gun was a top secret weapons development in Sector Alnasl. Created by the Ominar for a Dhoven contractor, the Blue Quark Gun is the first class "sub-atomic" weapon. Firing an incredibly dense stream of anti-gluons into its target, the gun comes close to completely disassembling those unfortunate enough to feel its effects. Neutrino Cache. The Red Androids on Ascella II have them, have no idea how they work when Terrans use them, but they are seriously mean when the bad guys have them. Even in a Dreadnaught Suit I had to resurrect two of my characters with the Shroud of Kriq. SMART GUN -- A miniaturized artificial intelligence computer has been combined with a low grade missile launcher to create this strategic weapon. Made to demoralize Scroe troops on the battlefield, when fired the Smart Gun automatically seeks out the strongest enemy target. Morale among the enemy collapses quickly in the face of this gun. Heavy Magazine. This weapon doesn't quite live up to its PR, but its not a bad little weapon. The only "heavy" weapon usable by all team members (except Osai, the Medic/Science Officer, whose ability is limited to light weapons). First found on Alhena VIII. Replace with Tac-Nuke Rifle when possible. GRENADE LAUNCHER -- Similar to those of twentieth-century Earth, this grenade launcher fires standard fletchette type grenades which affect a small area of a few feet. Users should be warned that it is possible to be injured by 'friendly fire' when using weapons of this sort. Heavy Magazine. First found on Alpha-Centauri II. Good-excellent area-effect weapon, but watch your distance, team members caught in the blast radius are attacked. PLASMA GENERATOR -- Using very special designs, this gun's developers succeeded in creating a localized fuel-air explosion similar to those created by larger fuel-air bombs. Creating intense heat effects, the plasma generator operates much like a large-scale flamethrower. Heavy Magazine. Found on Shadowside (Deneb II). PIECE OF CRAP! Don't bother with it. SEEKER -- A counterpart to the Smart Gun, the seeker gun also uses artificial intelligence and rocket launching technologies for its affect. Not limited by a strict line of sight, the seeker is capable of attacking targets around corners and other obstructions but does have a limited range. Ammo Clip. First found on Shadowside (or Eltanin VII, if you kill a Nusakan). Any advantages are overshadowed by low attack strength, don't trade your Mono- Mol! ACID GUN -- Firing small pellets of a highly corrosive nature, the acid gun is designed to directly attack the armor of an opponent. Power Cell. Haven't come across it, have no idea as to its value. (Note: Required ammo is per cluebook). MONO-MOL DISK GUN -- A projectile weapon, the mono-mol disk gun fires molecule thick discs at a high rate of speed, allowing them to penetrate most kinds of armor and do damage directly to the wearer. This weapon is highly unreliable, however, and is known to be very vulnerable to TechJamming technologies. Ammo Clip. In spite of the "bad press" above, THIS IS THE LIGHT WEAPON OF CHOICE FOR YOUR TEAM! Accurate, deadly, using easily-manufactured ammunition and with a 100-shot/reload ammunition utilization rate, this sucker is the way to go. Found on Rana Prime, Zaurak II and Alrai II. "Mine" them by mugging three non-verbal workers on Rana (Don't forget to take their Modu-Armor). DEFENSE WAVE -- Strictly intended as a defensive weapon, the defense wave propagator creates a globular electrostatic burst that is centered around the user, doing damage to anyone and anything that stands in front, behind or next to the defender. It is advised that this item not be used in a 'party' situation. Neutrino Cache. Sucks, ignore it. First found on Zaurak II. MASS CANNON -- Utilizing mass driver technologies to deadly effect, this shoulder weapon fires a thousand gram projectile from a short mass chamber at a velocity in excess of nine hundred feet per second. Though it isn't always capable of impaling all armor, it does significant damage while ignoring any armored effects. Heavy Magazine. GREAT WEAPON! Found (only) on Diphda IV, in the locked room on the South side of the Eastern Corridor of the Trading Station, Security Card needed for access. (Note: The "Security Card" given to you by the Algiebian President and the card that the Evian Bartender gives you in return for the Cybercredit are the same card in game terms, so hang onto the first card.) TURBO LASER -- Termed by its inventor as a +suicide+ weapon, the turbo laser fuses all of its component parts as it fires its lethal burst. Effective only at very short ranges, these lasers are fatal to nearly anything that they touch. Energy Bank. Good attack strength, but serious accuracy problems. Found in various places, Fomalhaut VI, Ankaq Prime, Capella Prime, to name a few. CYGNUS CANNON -- An inscription on the stock of the cygnus cannon gives all the details of the construction of this weapon of revenge. Entirely unique in the galaxy, unmatched even by the technologies of the Ominar or the Ipremi, the Cygnus Cannon is capable of firing a stream of stripped gravitons, in effect, creating a pseudo-black hole in the center of its focal range. When concentrated on any opponent, it will kill instantly. Neutrino Cache. Found in The Crypt of the Last Defender and in the armory on Ascellus II, the weapon suffers from an accuracy problem. However, possession of this weapon by your lead character is absolutely necessary to gain access to the Concierge on Izar II, such access being needed to obtain the N.I.C.T.U. CHAIN SWORD -- An ingenuity created by the settlers on Rutilicus Colony in Sector Kornephoros, the chain sword was created so that settlers could have a device that would allow defense against Cin-Sae Spawn while also having a device with more practical purposes. No Ammo. Found on Rutilicus II and Sabik Prime. Since I don't use Hand weaponry, I have no idea of its value. ROCKET LAUNCHER -- Modified from a basic grenade launch design, this rocket launcher is a line of sight weapon capable of greater range and damage than other similar weapons. Novices should be warned that the weapon is as dangerous to friendly parties as to hostile when used improperly. Heavy Magazine. Basically a Grenade Launcher with a single-square blast effect, however, as a line-of-sight weapon it will hit any target between it and its proposed target... in other words, if a teammate is between you and your intended victim, he's lunch. Handy in close quarters. Found on Alrai II. DEATH RAY -- A microwave transmitter has been coupled with a moderate power supply in this simple hand held weapon. Aptly named, this death ray will kill most unarmored opponents. I have no idea what this is... I've never come across it in game play, and the cluebook makes no mention of it whatsoever. MICROTIC INJECTOR -- Stealing technology developed for the needler guns, the Microtic Injector is a hypervelocity injection system which introduces microtic army into the body of an opponent. Once inside,microts then attack whatever systems they encounter until their power supplies fail. Also a good device for injecting Strandware into a host. Ammo Clip, Strandware. Kinda sucks as a weapon, it is, however, absolutely mandatory to complete the scenario on the Ominar Station at Anasl Prime. Found in the Miniturization Lab of the Ominar Research Station on Cor-Caroli Prime, and also in the first wreck at Anasl Prime. TAC NUKE RIFLE -- Operating more like a rocket launcher than a rifle, this weapon fires a micro-miniature fissionable charge into a specified zone. Once there it detonates with a titanic blast. Victims suffer both radiation and projectile damage. Heavy Magazine. Excellent weapon, second only to the MASS CANNON. Obtained by: 1) Trading a Bronze Sphere with the Froglike Being in the Northeasternmost room on Alrai II; 2) Trading the Decorative Orb obtained from the Chytti with the Eldarin located in the Northeasternmost room of the uppermost level of the Life Gallery; or 3) Taking one from the destroyed Robotic Guards on Ascella II (The jokers guarding the Algocam, and good luck there). BREACH MISSILE -- Using highly complex armor piercing techniques, this missile launcher does all of its damage against any armor it encounters, in most cases making it possible for a secondary attack to do real damage. Heavy Magazine. Obtained by giving a Platinum Sphere to the Utrece located in the first office to the East, below the room with the "Frog" who gives you the Tac Nuke. I may be using it wrong, but I've found that it ain't all its cracked up to be. NEEDLER -- This handgun, designed to fool Evian Interceptor Armor, fires fletched needles which spread into a dense cloud shortly before they impact. Ammo Clip. Haven't used it much, don't know its capabilities. Found in the Ominar Station at Anasl Prime and on Capella Prime (on the corpses). IMASTYL -- Essentially a handless dagger, the Imastyl has a number of ritualistic purposes to the people of Henresia. They Who Converse are said to use the Imastyl to draw the pictures that they use to communicate with one another. No Ammo. Essentially a "pointed stick" with no value as a weapon, however, an absolute must to "talk" to the people on Subra II. Found on Subra II. ENERGY MACE -- Tactically a very cruel weapon, the energy mace does most of its damage when the victim is struck by its five hundred gram head. A second feature, an electric shock of 8000 volts, is delivered to the victim at the same time in order to further disable the enemy. No Ammo. No knowledge of weapon's value. Found on Rutilicus II and Sabik Prime (lower level). THERMITE LAUNCHER -- Taking advantage of the similarity of the grenade launchers made by the traders in Sector Algieba, the Ethnys created the Thermite Launcher, a weapon that bathes its targets in flame. Heavy Magazine. Very similar to the Grenade Launcher, and very effective against Scroe Raiders. Found on Rutilicus II. SCROE SPECIAL -- The so-called 'scroe-special' is in fact a substandard pistol that fires caseless rounds. Usually only used by the Scroe for purposes of internal security, it sometimes is sold on the open market. This particular model appears to be in very poor shape. Energy Bank. Worthless as a weapon. However, the cluebook states that if you give it back to the Scroe Gunnrunner on Kochab II, he will give you a Battle Laser. BATTLE LASER -- Slighty heavier than an Assault Laser, the Battle Laser is very long ranged but sacrifices a significant degree of its punch to make the range possible. Weapons of this sort have reduced the necessity of short range battles that have been dictated by shorter ranged laser weapons. Energy Bank. Only slightly less powerful than an Assault Laser, with the range of a Laser Rifle. Its only drawback is that it is a "Heavy" weapon, and is effective only in the hands of Katya. Trade for it on Kochab II, take it from Scroe corpses on... Procyon, Kochab II, Capella Prime, Hyades Prime, etc. SOSSEE DAGGER -- Strictly a ceremonial weapon, this dagger is greatly revered as a holy symbol. Used in mystery rites for ages, it now tours periodically as an art object. HabStel on Starport Kochab has reportedly bid large sums to gain possession of the dagger but have so far been unsucessful. No Ammo. Valuable as a trade item. Give it to the Colonist in the lounge (Southeast corner of Starport) and he will give you a Planetary Deed. Found on Alhena VIII or by trading a Battle Laser to (or killing) the Trader who talks about the gun deal on Rutilicus II. LASER SWORD -- Pulsed bursts of laser energy are used to create the +blade+ of this curious item. Although it has several redeeming features, it suffers from great susceptibility to TechJam and is somewhat unwieldy to those unused to using such an elaborate weapon. No Ammo (per cluebook), I believe it requires an Energy Bank. Worth as a weapon unknown, appears to combine the worst of it, a Hand Weapon that needs ammunition. Found in the room above the Traffic Control Room on Alula IV. PLASMA BOW -- This weapon combines the grace of archaic weaponry with the destructive power of modern technology. The plasma bow shoots concentrated bolts of plasma energy that strike and burn their target. A great deal of damage is done against foes not wearing armor. Ammo Clip. Worth unknown. Found on Arcturus III. SUPER LASER -- The most powerful of the laser weapons, the Super Laser operates at the long range of the Battle Laser without sacrificing destructive capabilities. Energy Bank. As advertised, combines Turbo Laser Strength with long range, main drawback is that its a "Heavy" weapon. Found in the warehouse behind the force field on Diphda IV, or in the wreckage of the Death Robots on Ascella II. ATOMIZER -- The atomizer delivers a focused beam of x-ray radiation that is able to penetrate most normal types of armor. Not very effective against archaic armor. Neutrino Cache. Same problems as with Neutron Gun and Sub- Atomic Blaster, multiplied. Found on Ascella II (on the corpses of the Red- Headed Androids). NOTE ON ARMOR -- Defense value ratings are taken from the cluebook. "Hand", "Beam", "Proj" notations refer to the type of weaponry the armor is BEST suited to protect against. During game play, one will note that any armor protects against any weapon with a couple of exceptions, and defense point rating is the best criterion of an armor's value, with "best" protection being a bonus. Note also that a Tac Nuke Rifle, a Mass Cannon, and the Booby Traps one encounters throughout the game treat armor like paper, and the best defense is to shoot first, avoid or "search" a square before movement. <"Hand" = Hand Weapons... swords, knives, etc.: "Beam" = Laser Weapons: "X- Ray" = Sub-Atomic Weapons (anything taking a Particle Pack or Neutrino Cache as ammo): "Proj" = Projectile Weapons.> LEATHER ARMOR -- Beautifully tooled, this leather armor should be able to turn back the blades of daggers and reduce damage from conventional swords. "Hand". 60 Defense points. Found on Denbola IV, Arcturus III, have not used them. CHAIN MAIL -- Thousands of wrought iron rings have been linked together to form this superb suit of low-tech armor. Capable of stopping daggers and swords, it is still vulnerable to penetration by arrows and other projectile weapons. "Hand". 120 Defense points. Found on Arcturus III, not used. PLATE MAIL -- Polished to a shine, this plate mail is astonishingly similar to the plate mail found on Earth during its medieval period. Although it would be poorly matched against firearms, it should stop any less severe kind of projectile attack. "Hand". 320 Defense points. Found on Arcturus III, not used. FLAK JACKET -- A fairly heavy form of armor, the flak jacket is designed to stop small arms fire at short range. Heavier projectile weapons may still penetrate the skin of this armor. "Proj". 120 Defense points. Initial Armor, easy build, will carry you through the Alpha-Centauri Scenario, trade up, ASAP. KEVLAR SUIT -- Not so heavy as the standard flak jacket, the Kevlar Suit is far better suited to actual combat situations and allows greater freedom of movement. Capable of withstanding heavy arms fire at moderate ranges, this is the basic armor that most low-tech societies use for the protection of their militaries. "Proj". Cluebook says 120, experience says 240, Defense Points. First found on Alpha-Centauri II, also worn by Assassination Team on Subra II, and by non-robotic Guards on Sabik Prime. Easy build, decent interim armor. COMPOSITE ARMOR -- Combining lightweight construction and high stress flexibility, this armor is capable of withstanding small and moderate arms fire while it is still in good condition. Elite officers are often issued this armor. "Proj". 400 Defense points. Easy build. Excellent armor to carry you until you access the better grades. Found on Talitha II, worn by the Royal Guard (all you need to do is kill them). REFLEC ARMOR --Pitted with thousands of small parabolic reflectors, this is a high tech armor designed to shed the devastating effects of small laser fire. Larger scale lasers are capable of eating quickly through this armor. "Beam". 100 Defense points. I've carried it as a "spare", but have never used it. Found first on the Attagi (Algiebian Scenario), on the corpses of the Geal A'nai. CERAMIC ARMOR -- Less vulnerable than reflec armor, ceramic armor can withstand great heat before succumbing to the effects of laser fire. Wearers should be advised, however that a projectile weapon could still easily breach such armor. "Beam". 200 Defense points. Haven't used this except as a "spare". Found on the corpses on Rutilicus II, worn by the "colonists" there and on Kochab II, and worn by the Ethnys (Insectoids) on Fomalhaut VI and Ankaq Prime. EVIAN ARMOR -- During the vicious years of the Attrition Conflict, the Evians developed this frightening looking black armor as a defense against the rapid- fire weapons wielded by the Scroe trench armies. Utilizing a special pair of lasers attached to the shoulders of the armor, incoming projectiles are automatically vaporized as they approach until the suit's power supply is exhausted. "Beam". 500 Defense points. Excellent armor, but very susceptible to Sub-Atomic weapons (anything using Particle Pack or Neutrino Cache Ammo). Additionally, when the value is reduced to @300 Defense points, it becomes very vunerable to all types of weaponry. High-Tech item. First found on Alula IV in the room to the North of the Traffic Control Room, also found on Procyon and Diphda IV. PERSONAL SHIELD -- This force-field based armor is capable of shedding both laser and 'sub-atomic' fire, but has a relatively low breach value. "X-Ray". 200 Defense points. Excellent defense while it lasts, but it doesn't have any real staying power. See "First Found" listing above, also carried by Omegan Androids (Blue Heads), and the survivors on Capella Prime. High-Tech item, don't waste builds on this. MODU-ARMOR -- This is an active armor designed to stop 'sub-atomic' damage to the wearer. By creating a modulating virtual wall of neutrons around the wearer, it endows the ability to see a target while still providing a solid shield around them. If it receives more damage than it can vent, the field will then fall apart. "X-Ray". 400 Defense points. This is the best armor that is accessible early in the game. Worn on Rana Prime, Zaurak II, Alrai II and may also be found on some of the Ominar corpses at Anasl Prime. Obtain it by "mugging" non-verbal characters on Rana or Zaurak. MAY FIELD -- Developed by Ageus May, this energy field has proven to be the most effective armor against 'sub-atomic' attack. By generating a field of gluons around the wearer, this field effectively sheds neutron and electron class guns. As with the other types of 'sub-atomic' armors, it stands a chance of overloading and imploding on its wearer. "X-Ray". 1000 Defense points. This is the second-best armor in the game. Found in The Crypt of the Last Defender and worn by the Mizaran Raiders on Alkaid Prime. (To obtain additional May Fields in the crypt, proceed as follows: 1. Touch the coffin at the upper right, a May Field will appear. 2. Pick up the May Field. 3. Save the game. 4. Reload the game. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have as many May Fields as you want.) ADMANTINE CHAIN -- This chain mail is the very finest armor that is possible within a low-tech society. Capable of stopping even arrows and small arms fire, this chain is the finest in any class of armor. "Hand". 200 Defense points. Only used as a "spare". Found on Alula IV and Arcturas III. TEFLAR SUIT -- Highly heat resistant and flexible, laser and projectile weaponry are challenged to breach the skin of this suit. It is still moderately vulnerable to 'sub-atomic' attack. "Proj". 320 Defense points. Only sample found on Alhena VIII, by which time I had Evian Armor and Assault Suits, value unknown. ASSAULT SUIT -- Highly expensive and greatly valued, this armor was created by the Ominar for their defense troops on the borders of their territories. Resistant to all types of attack, this suit has a high breach value and can withstand most heavy weapons fire. "Beam". 500 Defense points. Third best armor in the game. Sample found on Alhena VIII, also worn on Shadowside (Deneb II). RECON ARMOR -- Made with the same defenses as the Assault Suit, Recon Armor was scaled down to allow more suits to be made while cutting costs. Although its breach value was sacrificed, it gained special mechanised features which allows the wearer to smash through thin walls. Despite its bulky mass, it is still quite adequate in battle situations. Defense points. No samples found (yet). SHIELDED REFLEC -- This special class of reflec armor is designed for reconnaissance purposes so that scouting parties stand a moderate chance of survival when they are unsure of an enemy's armament. Although it is not recommended for sustained battles, it is a very good armor for hit and run missions. "X-Ray". 500 Defense points. Good armor with absolutely no staying power. Worn by the Scroe, where ever you find them, also on Alula IV, in The Crypt of the Last Defender, and various other locations in the game. (Especially susceptible to projectile and flame weapons). DREADNAUGHT SUIT -- The Dreadnaught Suit is the toughest armor available in the known galaxy. It offers the greatest protection against most weapons. "Beam". 25600 Defense points. BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME! Susceptible only to Tac Nuke Rifles and Booby Traps. Found ONLY in the armory of the Outsider Base on Ascella II. (ISC Pin, found in another room of the same base, is needed to access the armory.) ESCAPE CODE -- A thin plastic card with the words 'Escape Code' written in the language of the Ominar. Tiny bumps on the surface of the card form an intricate pattern. Required to gain entrance to the base on Ascella II. Obtained by killing the madman in the last room of the Ominar Station at Vega IX. K-BEAM -- One of the eight pieces of the Centauri Device. The K-Beam generator creates a selectively permeable wall of positrons designed to prevent unwanted matter from coming through the wormhole. Obtained from the Giate of Rana Prime, either by completeing the assigned task, or killing the poor fool... your choice. HARMONIC RESONATOR -- One of the eight pieces of the Centauri Device. The Harmonic Resonator generates gravity waves in the patterns neccessary to open the wormhole. Obtained from the new Ethnys Queen on Ankaq Prime after completing the assigned task. OMEGA CARD -- A thin plastic card with a representation of the Alkaid system engraved on it. Used to access the Omega Complex on Alkaid Prime. Obtained from the "Hojan" (Omega Android) on Arcturus III in return for the Civitic Balancer (or by killing it). SILVER LOCKET -- A filigreed silver locket in the shape of a royal seal. Found on Arcturus III, only remaining item when the mayor's daughter is kidnapped. Given to the Mayor, it permits access to the Mayor's Treasure Room, killing the Mayor also permits access. KEY CARD -- Designed to be used with magnetic door locks, this key card is backed with a thin ferrous- sensitive tape. Never found, not listed in cluebook. ALGIEBIAN CRYSTALS -- These crystals have tremendous value as power sources. When excited in a warp field, the Algiebian Crystals emit a singularly complex wave which can be amplified by a Mass Converter. This is one of the eight pieces of the Centauri Device. Found on Algieba IV, in the bust on the upper left in the Northeasternmost large room on the second level of Ishtao Station. Turn off the force field and "shake" (search) the bust. ALGIEBIAN QUARTER -- The face of this Algiebian coin is stamped with the image of Ishtao, president of the Algiebian Empire. Although coinage has largely gone out of use within their systems, they still use coins for vending purposes. Given to you by the newspaperlizard on Ishtao Station after you interview the president. No game value. KOCHAB-COLA -- Bitter tasting and dark, it seems remarkable that this soft drink would be popular in any sector of the galaxy. It is particularly favored by the Algiebians. Never found, listed in cluebook as "none ever found". NEWSPAPER -- The newspaper is filled with the usual tabloid fare. LIZARDESS WOMAN GIVES LIVE BIRTH! graces its cover, but under it is a story about the Geal A'nai. The cult has reportedly been hijacking ships in the system. Found to the Southeast of the newspaperlizard on Ishtao Station, the only use is to give you a clue as to the true intentions of the Geal A'nai that you encounter on the Attagi. VEGAN WINE -- Pressed by the Ominar, Vegan wine has a number of unusual properties. Known to be very intoxicating, it is largely prohibited in many societies. Found in Ishtao Station. Give the bartender the Algiebian Tal (or shoot him), he will give you the wine. Give the wine to the Algiebian in front of the door on the Southern wall of the Hall of Shame, and she will allow you access to the room housing the switch that turns off the force fields protecting the busts. PRESS PASS -- The press pass bears the masthead logo of the "Nightly Stalker", the only state funded newspaper on Algieba. Found in Ishtao Station. Get it from the newspaperlizard. It gets you past the Presidential Guard without the need for mayhem. (Note: Mayhem is permitted by the game.) GEAL A'NAI AMULET -- A deeply religious people, many of the Algiebians belong to a monastic order known as the Geal A'nai. This amulet is often recognized as being the sign of their faith. First found on Talitha II, on the corpse of the Algiebian killed in the hidden room. Two uses: 1. Show it to the Ambassador in the Throne Room on Talitha, and you gain access to the "locked room" in the castle, gaining a Laser Rifle; 2. Give it to President Ishtao, and he will give you the Security Card, allowing access to formerly closed areas of the Station, and a set of Ship Plans. SIXTH SEAL -- Suspended on a chain, the Sixth Seal is one of five such amulets that is said to have mystical powers. The Sixth is markedly different in that it has a key-like extrusion at its top which allows it to open locks that have been made by the Geal A'nai. Found at Ishtao Station. In the Southwest corner of the kitchen, there are some cages, search the cages, the Seal will appear. Give it to the President, receive the President's Amulet, or use it in the small room behind the second door south of the entrance to the second level of the Station. PRESIDENT'S AMULET -- Traditionally passed from one Torm to the next, the amulet is now a symbol of the rightful leader of the Algiebian people. Many religious leaders say that the amulet grants its bearer great luck. Found at Ishtao Station. Received from the President in return for the Sixth Seal, or taken from his corpse if the Seal is used in the small room. Allows access to the research station on Koo-She. SECURITY CARD -- Striped with a bar code on the back, this card allows a bearer to enter any door on the Presidential Station in orbit of Algieba IV. Received from Algiebian President in return for Geal A'nai Amulet, or on Diphda IV, received from the bartender in return for the Cybercredit. Note: In game terms one card is indistinguishable from the other. Gets you some nice items on either Algieba or Diphda. ALGIEBIAN TAL -- The primary unit of monetary exchange within the confines of the Algiebian Empire, the Tal is made of solid gold. Despite the inflation that runs rampant in the sector, the Tal may still be used for the purchase of wines and other necessities. Found on the Attagi, received from the dying engineer. Allows purchase of Vegan Wine. VISITOR BADGE -- Grants to the bearer visitation rights to the Sabik Mining Colony in Sector Kornephoros. The Leader of the Rutilicus Colony give this to you after you obtain the TRANSFORMER and give it to the engineer at the powerhouse. Permits limited access to the first two levels of the Sabik Mining Colony. INDUSTRIAL BADGE -- This card identifies the holder as a trading agent for the Sabik Mining Colony. Allows greater visitation rights than those granted by the Visitor's Badge. Obtained from the Alien on the lower level of the Sabik Mining Colony. Also found in the "test" room on Alula IV. SECTOR CLEARANCE CARD -- The Sector Clearance Card is made of a crystaline material permeated with gossamer veins of green conduit. It contains all the information necessary to fool the communication computers on Eltanin VII thus allowing you authorized access for terminal use. Obtained from an Alien on the first locked level of the Sabik Mining Colony. Use of this card, after the appropriate sequence is completed on Eltanin VII obtains a set of ship plans for you. SKOCHA ROOTS -- An odd clump of vegetable matter, these roots have a mild juice in them that is usually consumed by Danteans to shield them from the effects of severe radiation. level of the Sabik Mining Colony, redeemable for a Bag Of Diamonds from the unarmed Alien on the first level who speaks of credit verification or food. PIKOR -- A mining implement, the Pikor is used on several colonies in the local group. A good tool for removing boulders that block your path. Found on Izar II and various places, used to remove pile of radioactive waste on Izar II. BAG OF DIAMONDS -- A common form of galactic exchange, there appear to be several diamonds of value in this bag. They are especially favored by the Ethnys and Utreceian races. Obtained on Arcturus III by showing the "Letters" to the woman in the middle of the the Map to the East (you may repeat this as often as you wish, she will continue to give you diamonds... killing her does not do it), or unarmored alien on the first level of the Sabik Mining Colony. Two uses: First, in the lower level of the mining colony, the alien in the room at the Northeasternmost room of the lower level will make an Industrial Badge in return for a Bag of Diamonds, Second, on Alrai II an alien in on of the offices on the West side of the corridor will give you the False Sphere for them. BLAST WEAR -- Made to protect the wearer from intense heat and environmental conditions, blast wear is a necessary item for people to wear on the surface of Sabik. Never found, no listing in cluebook. INFRA SPECS -- Designed to make infra encoded messages visible, these goggles are commonly used in the Kornephoros sector. Never found, no listing. PRONG -- This peculiar object appears to have been broken off of some larger object. Whatever function it once served, it would seem to be useless now. Never found, no listing. DOORSPIKER -- This triple pronged key was specially made to fit the hands of the Dantean race. An inscription code on the handle of the key suggests that it unlocks a door on Sabik Mining Colony. Obtained on Sabik Prime, first level, from the guard in the first guarded room to the right of the entry corridor in return for the Industrial Badge. Allows access to the missle silo on the guarded level of the Sabik Mining Colony. Needed to complete the sequence. COMNAV SQ 2345-8 -- The design of this electronic part would seem to suggest that it is used as a warp field stabilizer for cargo class ships. Although it is unsuitable for Earth designs, it might have value to traders in Sector Caroli. Obtained on Cor-Caroli Prime in the Ominar Labs, either by salvage from the corpse of a Microt, or by giving the signed requisition to the Engineer found in the Lab in the NorthEast corner of the Map. The requisition form is obtained on Alula IV, and the signature of the Lab Director is obtained INSIDE the the computer of the Miniturization Lab. Return the Comnav to the traffic controller on Alula IV. GOLD WIRE -- Fused at the ends, this broken piece of wire may have melted loose from a larger section of cable. If it is used to reconnect the circuit it once serviced, it might distract any Microtic activity nearby. PURE BULLSHIT! The Microtic ARE NOT in any way distacted by the gold wire. Trying to give them some gets you shot at. Ignore any wire you find, and shoot the little blue bastards on sight, preferably at a distance. LOGIC CIRCUIT ALPHA -- This circuit is the main control gate for the operation of a Gravitic Compressor. If a Beta class circuit is swapped for it, it may cause a reversal of the compression field. Found inside the Southern Circuit Box, gain entry by shooting at the blast-marked wall. Pick up the circuit and go to the Northern Circuit Box, enter the same way, pick up Logic Circuit Beta, and drop Alpha on the same spot. LOGIC CIRCUIT BETA -- This circuit, when used as a secondary circuit, controls minor logic functions. When placed in an Alpha Logic tower, it will reverse a miniaturization field. See above. STRAND VIEWER -- If used on Ominar strandware, this device can allow close scrutiny of the condition of the material. It is commonly used to sort good strandware from bad. Found in the Northeastern room of the Southernmost Lab on Cor-Caroli Prime. GRAVITIC COMPRESSOR -- One of the eight vital parts to the Centauri Device, the Gravitic Compressor is used as the focusing device for the titanic forces that are generated when the K-Beam is activated. Found on Cor-Caroli Prime after completion of the sequence in the Minaturization Lab. REQUISITION FORM -- Signed by the chief controller of the Harvest traffic controller team, this requisition form is filled out to the chief engineer of Oortizam Labs. It still appears to need a proper counter signature from the Ominarian director of the Oortizam Lab. Obtained on Alula IV, it must first be signed by the Lab Director, who may be found INSIDE the computer of the Minaturization Lab. "Give" him the form, and it will be transformed into the item listed below. Note: You don't actually have to rescue the guy. AUTHORIZED FORM -- The form appears to be properly signed and noted. It can be exchanged at the Engineering lab on Ooritzam for a ComNav Sq 2345-8. (see above) Present this form to the engineer in the Northwestern room of the Northeastern Lab Building (without speaking to him first, he calls security), and you will receive the device noted. MINI-LAB PASS -- This card will allow the bearer access to the miniaturization lab on Ooritzam. Obtained from the canine alien i Other Planet's Edge cheats hints faqs solutions: 1. Planet's Edge cheat codes |