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Sim Theme Park cheats / Sim Theme Park hints / Sim Theme Park faqs / Sim Theme Park solutions Sim Theme Park hints How to earn Golden Tickets: There are many ways to earn these shiny tickets. Some of the ways include getting a huge crowd into your park, or building a very tall rollercoaster, selling a lot of burgers, fries, etc. Any of these ways will earn you golden tickets. Obtaining these golden tickets will open secret rides you couldn't reach or buy. How to earn World of Wonders: Earn 3 golden keys and this park will be available. How to earn Space Zone: Earn 5 golden keys and this park will be available. How to Earn Golden Keys: Every 3 golden tickets you recieve earns you a golden key. There are 5 golden keys in all. Pesky Bowling Ball Guy: If your tired of that bowling ball guy talking to you every second, go to the Options screen and turn off the Extra Help. He can be quite annoying. Extra Cash: During gameplay, the bowling ball guy will give you a challenge once in a while. Challenges are a good way to get extra money in this game. For example, if he says; "In the next 50 days, try and sell 200 fries..." buy alot of fries shops, and lower the price, you will win the challenge alot faster. Catch Bad Kids Fast: With your security guards not always patrolling your whole park, it would be wise to build security cameras in other places so it would be easier to catch naughty children. Long Line, Bored Kids, What To Do?: Your visitors will get angry if a line is to long. Hire an entertainer and put them by the end of the line. The children will cheer up, and have something to do while waiting in a long line. Taking Candy...: On one of your side shows put the price really low and the chances of winning high. Wait to get a couple of people playing the sideshow game and while they're plaing put the price up to 10,000 dollars. If the child wins he/she owes you that much money. Happier, Longer-Staying Guests: Start a small park with four puzzle games close together, two rides, one food, one bathroom and a gate price of $0. If you set it up so all four puzzle games are within view of each other, you can do the global price raise/lower for all puzzles while all four are active (making $40,000 at once). The $0 gate price will get the visitors in fast. Set the prizes value to $10 and a maximum win possibility. That makes the visitors stay longer, makes them happy, and play more. Get All Satisfied Visitors: On your sideshows, put the chance of winning all the way up, and when the visitor wins, they will give you a thumbs up, and never ever a thumbs down (Make sure the price is low so they actually play the game.) Other Sim Theme Park cheats hints faqs solutions: 1. Sim Theme Park cheat codes 2. Sim Theme Park cheat codes 3. Sim Theme Park cheat codes 1. Sim Theme Park hints 2. Sim Theme Park hints 3. Sim Theme Park hints 4. Sim Theme Park hints 5. Sim Theme Park hints 6. Sim Theme Park hints 7. Sim Theme Park hints 8. Sim Theme Park hints 9. Sim Theme Park hints 10. Sim Theme Park hints 11. Sim Theme Park hints 13. Sim Theme Park hints 14. Sim Theme Park hints 1. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions 2. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions 3. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions 4. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions 5. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions 6. Sim Theme Park faq and solutions |