Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return cheats / Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints / Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return faqs / Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return solutions
Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints Unlimited Magic
When you go to fight the evil last pig, you will
see Kainen by the door. Talk to him and he will
give you unlimited magic for the pig robes. This
is very helpful when getting the ice candy for
the man in circus town.
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1. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return cheat codes 1. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 2. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 3. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 4. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 5. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 6. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 7. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 8. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 9. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 10. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 11. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 12. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 13. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints 14. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return hints