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Black & White cheats / Black & White hints / Black & White faqs / Black & White solutions Black & White hints PHYSICALLY CHANGING THE LEVELS IN BLACK & WHITE **** NOTE: I will take no responsibility for lost saved games, crashed **** systems, or other unfortunate by-products of this text if you **** use any of this information. Back your saved games up. It's **** your own fault if something bad *does* happen, so don't come **** crying to me or anyone who has supplied you with this text. In the game's "scripts" directory you can modify the land text files to generate more or less objects when the game will generate that game level. For instance, you can cause the game to create a worship site with the game's best spells in level 1 (the tutorial island) by adding some commands to land1.txt. Note, however, that they are only effective if you then start a new game, since the tutorial island is only generated during the game's intro movie. Thus, this trick is less effective for games you are already playing. You can use it to stock up more food and wood in your own village when the level starts by simply creating yourself a new storehouse and making the final two numbers whatever the amount of food and wood you want respectively. Note that you can obviously also change stats or remove items entirely, if you like. I removed almost all the trees on the tutorial island, and it sped up my loading and saving times a little. You can change the locations of things if you know where the coordiantes should be. You can also change your influence on other towns, and you might even be able to skip levels entirely (though I haven't tried yet). I set other town's beliefs in me to 99% to give myself an easier time converting them. Experiment if you want, but please make backups of your profiles if you do.. I take no responsibility with crashed games and ruined save games because of this. If it doesn't work, please realise that I used game version 2.3, and I have not thoroughly tested every aspect or possibility. You might have simply put a building in the water if it's not there when you try playing. If the game crashes when it's loading the level, it's probably a period where a comma should be or some missed parameter in the commands, which are listed below, so check what you have modified carefully. There you are: Useful Commands (your own town's ID is always 0, you are "PLAYER_ONE"): CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(townID, "spellName") Note that you might have to place these commands directly after the CREATE_TOWN command, I have not checked. You can only have six spells I believe. Known Spells: BEAM_EXPLOSION BEAM_EXPLOSION_PU1 BEAM_EXPLOSION_PU2 CREATURE_SPELL_ANGRY CREATURE_SPELL_BIG CREATURE_SPELL_COMPASSION CREATURE_SPELL_FREEZE CREATURE_SPELL_INVISIBLE CREATURE_SPELL_ITCHY CREATURE_SPELL_SMALL CREATURE_SPELL_STRONG CREATURE_SPELL_WEAK FIRE FIRE_PU1 FIRE_PU2 FOOD FOOD_PU1 FOOD_PU2 FLYING_FLOCK GROUND_FLOCK HEAL HEAL_PU1 LIGHTNING_BOLT LIGHTNING_BOLT_PU1 LIGHTNING_BOLT_PU2 NATURE [Note: This is really the Forest miracle] PHYSICAL_SHIELD SHIELD STORM STORM_PU1 STORM_PU2 TELEPORT WATER WATER_PU1 WOOD CREATE_ABODE(townID, "coordinateX, coordinateY", "buildingType", #, #, #, #) The easiest way to use this is to look for a building that you don't care about in the file that will be in your town, and replace the building type by whatever you want, the building types begin with your town's nationality (Norse, Celtic, etc) and have an underscore and the building's name. For instance, NORSE_ABODE_WORKSHOP, CELTIC_ABODE_CRECHE, INDIAN_STORAGE_PIT. The first two # entries I do not know, but the second two are amounts of food and wood stored in the abode. They should always be 0 except for town centres and maybe in workshops. I have set these to high values, 9000000 for instance, and it's perfectly valid, so you shouldn't have trouble with food or wood if you use these options. CREATE_TOWN_CENTRE(same as CREATE_ABODE) Again, it's easiest to simply replace a sufficiently large building with a town centre, although you usually have a town centre already. The building type is the same scheme as in CREATE_ABODE, for instance GREEK_TOWN_CENTRE. CREATE_CITADEL("coordinateX, coordinateY", ?, playerID, ?, ?) Again the easiest thing to do is to change a planned citadel into a regular one. In the tutorial island, this will still work, but you will still have to wait until the "build your citadel" quest is done. You cannot have a worship site without a citadel! The question marked entries I use are 0, 36000, 1000, and it works but I don't know what they mean. CREATE_WORSHIP_SITE("coordinateX, coordinateY", ?, playerID, ?, ?) You need a citadel to have a worship site, so make one. The spells you can worship with are entered using CREATE_TOWN_SPELL above. SET_TOWN_BELIEF(townID, playerID, belief) This is a real treat. Each town on the map initially has a pre-set belief value for each god that is on that level. You can raise yours to a higher number so that impressing the pesky villages won't take as long. The number for belief is a fraction, so 0.900000 means 90%, and 0.150000 means 15%, etc. You can have any number here, but I would recommend keeping the six decimal places after the decimal point just in case. Change the existing beliefs for you in the levels to help yourself out. Thus, an easier start for the game on tutorial island is done by entering the following lines in land1.txt and finishing all but the final gold story scroll on the island (the one after you fight the giant guide creature). You will be able to cast any of the miracles you want, even using gestures, to train your creature. You will also have 900000 food and wood. Change the spells to whatever you want if you are playing evil or just want to see the other ones: - Right after the first CREATE_TOWN command, place the following: CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "FOOD_PU1") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "HEAL_PU1") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "WATER_PU1") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "FIRE_PU2") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "WOOD") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(0, "SHIELD") - Search for "NORSE_ABODE_STORAGE_PIT" and change the last two numbers to 9000000 for that much food and wood. - Search for the line containing "CREATE_PLANNED_CITADEL", and replace it with the following two lines: CREATE_CITADEL("1915.05,2508.89", 0, "PLAYER_ONE", 36000, 1000) CREATE_WORSHIP_SITE("1980.01,2580.12", 7, "PLAYER_ONE", "NORSE", 8151, 1000) Other Black & White cheats hints faqs solutions: 1. Black & White cheat codes 1. Black & White cheat codes 1. Black & White hints 3. Black & White hints 4. Black & White hints 5. Black & White hints 6. Black & White hints 7. Black & White hints 1. 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