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SimCity 2000 hints

Extra Money
Start a new city and type "fund" to issue a bond at 25% interest. Select
the "Yes" option to confirm. Repeat this step to issue a second bond. Then, enter
the budget window and issue a real bond. The interest should now be displayed
as ".%". Select the "Yes" option to confirm. Your city should now receive
approximately $1 million per a year.

While playing a game, press [Ctrl] + [F3]. Then, click on the "Rotate
Counterclockwise" icon. Click on the resize box in the lower right corner of City
Window. Click on the status window. Click on the "Population" icon. Click
anywhere in the city window. Pull down the "Disasters" menu and select the
horizontal line between "Riots" and "No Disasters".

Other SimCity 2000 cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. SimCity 2000 cheat codes
2. SimCity 2000 cheat codes
3. SimCity 2000 cheat codes
4. SimCity 2000 cheat codes
1. SimCity 2000 hints
2. SimCity 2000 hints
4. SimCity 2000 hints
5. SimCity 2000 hints
1. SimCity 2000 faq and solutions
2. SimCity 2000 faq and solutions
3. SimCity 2000 faq and solutions
4. SimCity 2000 faq and solutions

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