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Command & Conquer: Red Alert hints

Red Alert Morse Codes
02 message com allied hqs
03 decode crypto normal
04 red eagle passes hawk
05 red alert red alert
06 soviet forces sect. seven
07 building runways
08 assault units
09 dispatch asap
03 decode crypto normal
04 red eagle passes hawk
05 red alert red alert
06 soviet forces sect. seven
10 message com hqs seven
11 decode crypto
12 vulture snacks
13 allies lose verdun
14 forces destroyed
15 dispatch troops asap
16 retrieve tanya
17 critical movements
18 spotted nwsahx
19 nuclear warheads
20 destination washington
21 delayed strike axzulu
22 advise eta
23 detailed cinpacom
24 priority income
25 investigate sudden
26 deaths fourteen allies
27 toxic tests show
28 lomic acid levels
29 to cinpacom
30 priortys even out go
31 fomic acid complaint
32 accurate
33 also find crushed
34 vertebrate and slashes
35 on head and face
36 two thousand headless
37 no bleeding respond
38 to cinpacom
39 say again fomic acid
40 roger that what is it
41 acid ants use
42 for what purpose
43 killing neutralizing
44 describe slash marks
47 like big knives
48 checking twelve inches
49 marks on head less
50 some marks some acid
51 do you hear something
52 negative on humming
53 do you spot small hills
54 affirmitave not on map
57 how far your location
58 six clicks
59 investigate now
60 looking for what
61 giant ants
62 like some sci fi flick
63 serious all areas
66 giant ants
67 roger that
68 use raid
69 no joke
70 ants ten feet high
71 whats huming mean
72 ant radar
73 watch out
77 get out of there
78 respond get out of there
79 dispatch ends
80 action ignore respond
81 ignore use deep cover
82 ants that dig
83 never happened
84 system alert
85 sectors alert now
86 alpha sector negative
87 charlie sector negative
88 bravo sector none
89 delta sector
90 delta sector respond
91 all sectors tune delta
92 confirm deaths
93 red alert red alert
94 giant ants spooted
95 identify sector
96 echo sector
97 number six
98 maybe one hundred huge
99 fire at will
100 targeting fire
101 oh god i can not
102 come in echo sector
103 echo sector dead
104 come in echo sector
105 echo sector dead

Other Command & Conquer: Red Alert cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. Command & Conquer: Red Alert cheat codes
2. Command & Conquer: Red Alert cheat codes
2. Command & Conquer: Red Alert hints
3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert hints
4. Command & Conquer: Red Alert hints
1. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions
2. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions
3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions
4. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions
5. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions
6. Command & Conquer: Red Alert faq and solutions

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